Для бэкапа базы данных использую гем
backup, что на ruby
Не получается задать количество последних бекапов. Количество растет с каждым днем
backup.rbrequire 'yaml'
db_config = YAML.load_file('/var/www/site/shared/config/database.yml')['production']
smtp_config = YAML.load_file('/var/www/site/shared/config/backup_smtp.yml')
Model.new(:backup, 'Backup [production]') do
compress_with Gzip do |compression|
compression.level = 6
encrypt_with OpenSSL do |encryption|
encryption.password = 'simple-password'
encryption.base64 = true
encryption.salt = true
database PostgreSQL, db_config['database'] do |db|
db.name = db_config['database']
db.username = db_config['username']
db.password = db_config['password']
db.host = db_config['host']
db.port = db_config['port']
db.skip_tables = []
db.only_tables = []
db.additional_options = []
notify_by Mail do |mail|
mail.on_success = true
mail.on_failure = true
mail.from = smtp_config['user']
mail.to = smtp_config['default_mail']
mail.address = smtp_config['server']
mail.port = smtp_config['port']
mail.domain = smtp_config['domain']
mail.user_name = smtp_config['user']
mail.password = smtp_config['password']
mail.authentication = smtp_config['authentication']
mail.encryption = :starttls
store_with Local do |local|
local.path = '/var/www/site/'
local.keep = 15
[2018/02/13 23:10:01][info] Performing Backup for 'Backup [production] (backup)'!
[2018/02/13 23:10:01][info] [ backup 4.2.0 : ruby 2.1.5p273 (2014-11-13 revision 48405) [x86_64-linux] ]
[2018/02/13 23:10:01][info] Database::PostgreSQL (site) Started...
[2018/02/13 23:10:01][info] Using Compressor::Gzip for compression.
[2018/02/13 23:10:01][info] Command: '/bin/gzip -6'
[2018/02/13 23:10:01][info] Ext: '.gz'
[2018/02/13 23:10:23][info] Database::PostgreSQL (site) Finished!
[2018/02/13 23:10:23][info] Creating Archive 'logs'...
[2018/02/13 23:10:23][info] Running system utility 'tar'...
[2018/02/13 23:10:23][info] tar:STDOUT: tar (GNU tar) 1.27.1
[2018/02/13 23:10:23][info] tar:STDOUT: Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
[2018/02/13 23:10:23][info] tar:STDOUT: License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>.
[2018/02/13 23:10:23][info] tar:STDOUT: This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
[2018/02/13 23:10:23][info] tar:STDOUT: There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
[2018/02/13 23:10:23][info] tar:STDOUT:
[2018/02/13 23:10:23][info] tar:STDOUT: Written by John Gilmore and Jay Fenlason.
[2018/02/13 23:10:23][info] Using Compressor::Gzip for compression.
[2018/02/13 23:10:23][info] Command: '/bin/gzip -6'
[2018/02/13 23:10:23][info] Ext: '.gz'
[2018/02/13 23:10:28][info] Archive 'logs' Complete!
[2018/02/13 23:10:28][info] Packaging the backup files...
[2018/02/13 23:10:28][info] Using Encryptor::OpenSSL to encrypt the archive.
[2018/02/13 23:10:29][info] Packaging Complete!
[2018/02/13 23:10:29][info] Cleaning up the temporary files...
[2018/02/13 23:10:29][info] Storage::Local Started...
[2018/02/13 23:10:29][info] Storing '/var/www/site/backup/2018.'...
[2018/02/13 23:10:29][info] Cycling Started...
[2018/02/13 23:10:29][info] Storage::Local Finished!
[2018/02/13 23:10:29][info] Cleaning up the package files...
[2018/02/13 23:10:29][info] Backup for 'Backup [production] (backup)' Completed Successfully in 00:00:28
[2018/02/13 23:10:29][info] Sending notification using Notifier::Mail...
Нет реакции на
local.keep = 15
и потом:
[2018/02/13 23:10:29][info] Cycling Started...
Но насколько успешно непонятно. Как побороть?