Когда PHP устанавливается, он показывает вот такой диалог:
Configuring tzdata
Please select the geographic area in which you live. Subsequent configuration questions will narrow this down by presenting a list of cities, representing the time zones in which they
are located.
1. Africa 2. America 3. Antarctica 4. Australia 5. Arctic 6. Asia 7. Atlantic 8. Europe 9. Indian 10. Pacific 11. SystemV 12. US 13. Etc
Geographic area: 8
Please select the city or region corresponding to your time zone.
1. Amsterdam 7. Berlin 13. Chisinau 19. Isle_of_Man 25. Lisbon 31. Mariehamn 37. Paris 43. San_Marino 49. Stockholm 55. Vaduz 61. Zagreb
2. Andorra 8. Bratislava 14. Copenhagen 20. Istanbul 26. Ljubljana 32. Minsk 38. Podgorica 44. Sarajevo 50. Tallinn 56. Vatican 62. Zaporozhye
3. Astrakhan 9. Brussels 15. Dublin 21. Jersey 27. London 33. Monaco 39. Prague 45. Saratov 51. Tirane 57. Vienna 63. Zurich
4. Athens 10. Bucharest 16. Gibraltar 22. Kaliningrad 28. Luxembourg 34. Moscow 40. Riga 46. Simferopol 52. Tiraspol 58. Vilnius
5. Belfast 11. Budapest 17. Guernsey 23. Kiev 29. Madrid 35. Nicosia 41. Rome 47. Skopje 53. Ulyanovsk 59. Volgograd
6. Belgrade 12. Busingen 18. Helsinki 24. Kirov 30. Malta 36. Oslo 42. Samara 48. Sofia 54. Uzhgorod 60. Warsaw
Time zone: 34
Как можно заранее выбрать вариант? Т.е. мне нужна установка PHP без участия пользователя.