Есть скрипт проверки доменных имен, но здесь проблема нету проверки на валидацию уже все перепробовал как добавить в подобный скрипт проверку?
* Max's Whois
* Version: 1.0
* Date: 2007-11-28
class maxWhois{
var $serverList;
var $tr = 0;
function maxWhois(){
$this->serverList[0]['top'] = 'ru';
$this->serverList[0]['server'] = 'whois.ripn.net';
$this->serverList[0]['response'] = 'No entries found';
$this->serverList[0]['check'] = false;
$this->serverList[1]['top'] = 'com';
$this->serverList[1]['server'] = 'whois.crsnic.net';
$this->serverList[1]['response'] = 'No match for';
$this->serverList[1]['check'] = false;
$this->serverList[2]['top'] = 'net';
$this->serverList[2]['server'] = 'whois.crsnic.net';
$this->serverList[2]['response'] = 'No match for';
$this->serverList[2]['check'] = false;
$this->serverList[3]['top'] = 'org';
$this->serverList[3]['server'] = 'whois.publicinterestregistry.net';
$this->serverList[3]['response'] = 'NOT FOUND';
$this->serverList[3]['check'] = false;
$this->serverList[4]['top'] = 'info';
$this->serverList[4]['server'] = 'whois.afilias.net';
$this->serverList[4]['response'] = 'NOT FOUND';
$this->serverList[4]['check'] = false;
$this->serverList[5]['top'] = 'name';
$this->serverList[5]['server'] = 'whois.nic.name';
$this->serverList[5]['response'] = 'No match';
$this->serverList[5]['check'] = false;
$this->serverList[6]['top'] = 'biz';
$this->serverList[6]['server'] = 'whois.nic.biz';
$this->serverList[6]['response'] = 'Not found';
$this->serverList[6]['check'] = false;
$this->serverList[7]['top'] = 'tv';
$this->serverList[7]['server'] = 'whois.internic.net';
$this->serverList[7]['response'] = 'No match for';
$this->serverList[7]['check'] = false;
function showHeader(){
function showWhoisForm(){
<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post" class="form-search-2 with-dropdown clearfix">
<input type="text" autocomplete="off" placeholder="ВВЕДРРўР• РџР РћРЎРўРћ РРњРЇ, БЕЗ ДОМЕННОЙ Р—РћРќР«" />
<div><button class="custom-btn big invers" name="submitBtn" type="submit">ПРОВЕРРРўР¬</button></div>
<table class="hidden-xs">
$i = 0;
foreach ($this->serverList as $value) {
if ($value['check'] == false) $checked=" checked ";
else $checked = " ";
echo '<td colspan="5"><div style="display: none;"><input type="checkbox" name="top_'.$value['top'].'"'.$checked.'/>.'.$value['top'].'</div></td>';
if ($i > 4) {
$i = 0;
echo '</tr><tr>';
function showFooter(){
function processWhois(){
if (!isset($_POST['submitBtn'])){
} else {
$domainName = (isset($_POST['domain'])) ? $_POST['domain'] : '';
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->serverList); $i++) {
$actTop = "top_".$this->serverList[$i]['top'];
$this->serverList[$i]['check'] = isset($_POST[$actTop]) ? true : false;
// Check domains only if the base name is big enough
if (strlen($domainName)>2){
echo '<div class="pricing-table pricing-table-5"><table class="hidden-xs">';
echo '<thead><tr><td colspan="2"><span class="border-color_blue"><b>РЕЗУЛЬТАТ ПРОВЕРКРДОМЕННЫХ РМЕН</b></span></td></tr></thead>';
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->serverList); $i++) {
if ($this->serverList[$i]['check']){
echo '</table></div><br>';
function showDomainResult($domain,$server,$findText){
if ($this->tr == 0){
$this->tr = 1;
$class = " class='tr2'";
} else {
$this->tr = 0;
$class = "";
if ($this->checkDomain($domain,$server,$findText)){
echo "<tr $class><td>$domain</td><td style='color:green;'><a href='https://my.hostuner.ru/billmgr?startpage=domain' class='custom-btn small blue-btn'>ЗАРЕГРРЎРўР РР РћР’РђРўР¬</a></td></tr>";
else echo "<tr $class><td>$domain</td><td style='color:red;'>Р—РђРќРЇРў</td></tr>";
function checkDomain($domain,$server,$findText){
$con = fsockopen($server, 43);
if (!$con) return false;
// Send the requested doman name
fputs($con, $domain."\r\n");
// Read and store the server response
$response = ' :';