
После обновления tars сыпятся ошибки, что делать?

Здравствуйте. Обновил сборку tars до самое актуальной версии и теперь в консоли вот такие ошибки:

[11:04:23] gulp-notify: [TARS notification] 
An error occurred while compiling to html.
Look in the console for details.

Error details:

Unexpected token (1378:3)

[11:04:27] gulp-notify: [TARS notification] 
An error occurred while compiling to html.
Look in the console for details.

Error details:

Unexpected token (1378:3)

[11:04:33] gulp-notify: [TARS notification] 
An error occurred while compiling to html.
Look in the console for details.

Error details:

Unexpected token (1378:3)

[11:04:35] gulp-notify: [TARS notification] 
An error occurred while compiling to html.
Look in the console for details.

Error details:

Unexpected token (14713:3)

Как отдебажить? Как понять где ошибки?
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