В запросе используется оконная функция которая достаточно сильно тормозит запрос, на все поля в partition и order сделаны индексы, сервер 16 ядер 70 гиг оперативки
select rr.*
from (select rr.*,
when rr.startAt > max(rr.endAt)
over (partition by rr.value,
rr.rateTimemaskUUID, rr.billIncUUID, rr.notes,
order by rr.startAt, rr.endAt, rr.dialCode
rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding)
or max(rr.endAt)
over (partition by rr.value,
rr.rateTimemaskUUID, rr.billIncUUID, rr.notes,
rr.name, rr.destinationUUID
order by rr.startAt, rr.endAt, rr.dialCode
rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding) is null then 1
else 0
end as is_new_rate
from rates rr
left join products p on (p.uuid = rr.productUUID)
left join destinations d on (d.uuid = rr.destinationUUID)
WHERE p.carrierUUID = 'd255b155-b8b3-479c-847d-d93ef4545f8a'
p.carrierUUID in
(select c.uuid
from carriers c
where c.countryUUID = '25e5740d-f556-40fb-bc51-7a99b35630b3')
AND p.direction = '1') rr
explain выглядит так
"id": 1,
"select_type": "PRIMARY",
"table": "<derived2>",
"partitions": null,
"type": "ALL",
"possible_keys": null,
"key": null,
"key_len": null,
"ref": null,
"rows": 1984,
"filtered": 100,
"Extra": null
"id": 2,
"select_type": "DERIVED",
"table": "c",
"partitions": null,
"type": "const",
"possible_keys": "PRIMARY,carriers_countryUUID_foreign_idx",
"key": "PRIMARY",
"key_len": "144",
"ref": "const",
"rows": 1,
"filtered": 100,
"Extra": "Using temporary; Using filesort"
"id": 2,
"select_type": "DERIVED",
"table": "p",
"partitions": null,
"type": "ref",
"possible_keys": "PRIMARY,carrierUUID",
"key": "carrierUUID",
"key_len": "145",
"ref": "const",
"rows": 15,
"filtered": 10,
"Extra": "Using index condition; Using where"
"id": 2,
"select_type": "DERIVED",
"table": "rr",
"partitions": null,
"type": "ref",
"possible_keys": "rates_productUUID_foreign_idx",
"key": "rates_productUUID_foreign_idx",
"key_len": "145",
"ref": "billing_api.p.uuid",
"rows": 1322,
"filtered": 100,
"Extra": null
"id": 2,
"select_type": "DERIVED",
"table": "d",
"partitions": null,
"type": "eq_ref",
"possible_keys": "PRIMARY",
"key": "PRIMARY",
"key_len": "144",
"ref": "billing_api.rr.destinationUUID",
"rows": 1,
"filtered": 100,
"Extra": "Using index"