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Как заставить работать интернационализацию в ErrorResponse методах?

Добрый день!

В официальной документации https://docs.spring.io/spring-framework/reference/...
An ErrorResponse exposes message codes for "type", "title", and "detail", as well as message code arguments for the "detail" field. ResponseEntityExceptionHandler resolves these through a MessageSource and updates the corresponding ProblemDetail fields accordingly.

Приведите, пожалуйста, пример. Никак не могу заставить чтобы сообщения выводились из MessageSource.
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Full-Stack разработчик.
public static final String I18_BUNDLE_LOCATION = "language/messages";
    public ResourceBundleMessageSource resourceBundleMessageSource() {
        final var source = new ResourceBundleMessageSource();

        return source;

public class LocaleI18Service implements LocaleService {

    private final ResourceBundleMessageSource messageSource;

    public String getI18Message(final String i18Code) {
        return getMessage(i18Code, Map.of());

    public String getI18Message(final String i18Code, final Map<String, String> args) {
        return getMessage(i18Code, args);

    private String getMessage(final String i18Code, final Map<String, String> args) {
        if (Objects.isNull(i18Code)) {
            return null;

        final var currentLocale = LocaleContextHolder.getLocale();

        final String template = messageSource.getMessage(i18Code, null, currentLocale);

        if (Objects.isNull(args) || args.isEmpty()) {
            return template;

        return StringSubstitutor.replace(template, args, "{", "}");


public interface SystemException {

     * Get args for code
     * @return args message
    Map<String, String> getArgs();

     * Exception code
     * @return i18 code
    String getI18Code();


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