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Не пускает в веб интерфейс cups ошибка Запрещено, как исправить?

Добрый вечер при попытке входа в веб интерфейс cups по адресу выдается ошибка "Запрещено"
Вроде в конфиге все верно настроено..


# Configuration file for the CUPS scheduler. See "man cupsd.conf" for a
# complete description of this file.

# Log general information in error_log - change "warn" to "debug"
# for troubleshooting...
LogLevel debug2

# Deactivate CUPS' internal logrotating, as we provide a better one, especially
# LogLevel debug2 gets usable now
MaxLogSize 0

# Only listen for connections from the local machine.
#Listen localhost:631
Listen /run/cups/cups.sock
Port 631

# Show shared printers on the local network.
Browsing Off
BrowseLocalProtocols dnssd

# Default authentication type, when authentication is required...
DefaultAuthType Basic

# Web interface setting...
WebInterface Yes

# Restrict access to the server...

Order allow,deny

# Restrict access to the admin pages...

Order allow,deny

# Restrict access to configuration files...

AuthType Default
Require user @SYSTEM
Order allow,deny

# Restrict access to log files...

AuthType Default
Require user @SYSTEM
Order allow,deny

# Set the default printer/job policies...

# Job/subscription privacy...
JobPrivateAccess default
JobPrivateValues default
SubscriptionPrivateAccess default
SubscriptionPrivateValues default

# Job-related operations must be done by the owner or an administrator...

Order deny,allow

Require user Owner @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow

# All administration operations require an administrator to authenticate...

AuthType Default
Require user @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow

# All printer operations require a printer operator to authenticate...

AuthType Default
Require user @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow

# Only the owner or an administrator can cancel or authenticate a job...

Require user Owner @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow

Order deny,allow

# Set the authenticated printer/job policies...

# Job/subscription privacy...
JobPrivateAccess default
JobPrivateValues default
SubscriptionPrivateAccess default
SubscriptionPrivateValues default

# Job-related operations must be done by the owner or an administrator...

AuthType Default
Order deny,allow

AuthType Default
Require user Owner @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow

# All administration operations require an administrator to authenticate...

AuthType Default
Require user @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow

# All printer operations require a printer operator to authenticate...

AuthType Default
Require user @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow

# Only the owner or an administrator can cancel or authenticate a job...

AuthType Default
Require user Owner @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow

Order deny,allow

# Set the kerberized printer/job policies...

# Job/subscription privacy...
JobPrivateAccess default
JobPrivateValues default
SubscriptionPrivateAccess default
SubscriptionPrivateValues default

# Job-related operations must be done by the owner or an administrator...

AuthType Negotiate
Order deny,allow

AuthType Negotiate
Require user Owner @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow

# All administration operations require an administrator to authenticate...

AuthType Default
Require user @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow

# All printer operations require a printer operator to authenticate...

AuthType Default
Require user @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow

# Only the owner or an administrator can cancel or authenticate a job...

AuthType Negotiate
Require user Owner @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow

Order deny,allow


d [30/Aug/2024:22:31:36 +0300] cupsdIsAuthorized: level=CUPSD_AUTH_ANON, type=None, satisfy=CUPSD_AUTH_SATISFY_ALL, num_names=0
d [30/Aug/2024:22:31:36 +0300] cupsdIsAuthorized: auth=CUPSD_AUTH_DENY...
d [30/Aug/2024:22:31:36 +0300] [Client 58] cupsdSendError code=403, auth_type=0
D [30/Aug/2024:22:31:36 +0300] [Client 58] cupsdSendHeader: code=403, type="text/html", auth_type=0
D [30/Aug/2024:22:31:36 +0300] [Client 58] Closing connection.
D [30/Aug/2024:22:31:36 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Not busy", busy="Active clients"
d [30/Aug/2024:22:31:36 +0300] cupsdRemoveSelect(fd=13)
d [30/Aug/2024:22:31:36 +0300] cupsdRemoveSelect(fd=-1)
d [30/Aug/2024:22:31:36 +0300] select_timeout: JobHistoryUpdate=0
d [30/Aug/2024:22:31:36 +0300] cupsdAcceptClient(lis=0x55c1ad47cfe0(7)) Clients=0
D [30/Aug/2024:22:31:36 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Not busy"
D [30/Aug/2024:22:31:36 +0300] [Client 59] Server address is "".
D [30/Aug/2024:22:31:36 +0300] [Client 59] Accepted from (IPv4)
d [30/Aug/2024:22:31:36 +0300] cupsdAddSelect(fd=11, read_cb=0x55c1abff80c0, write_cb=(nil), data=0x55c1ad48f670)
D [30/Aug/2024:22:31:36 +0300] [Client 59] Waiting for request.
d [30/Aug/2024:22:31:36 +0300] select_timeout: JobHistoryUpdate=0
d [30/Aug/2024:22:31:36 +0300] [Client 59] cupsdReadClient: error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_WAITING, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=0, request=(nil)(), file=-1
D [30/Aug/2024:22:31:36 +0300] [Client 59] GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1
D [30/Aug/2024:22:31:36 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients"
D [30/Aug/2024:22:31:36 +0300] [Client 59] Read: status=200, state=3
d [30/Aug/2024:22:31:36 +0300] cupsdFindBest: uri="/favicon.ico", limit=2...
d [30/Aug/2024:22:31:36 +0300] cupsdFindBest: Location /admin/log(10) Limit 7f
d [30/Aug/2024:22:31:36 +0300] cupsdFindBest: Location /admin/conf(11) Limit 7f
d [30/Aug/2024:22:31:36 +0300] cupsdFindBest: Location /admin(6) Limit 7f
d [30/Aug/2024:22:31:36 +0300] cupsdFindBest: Location /(1) Limit 7f
d [30/Aug/2024:22:31:36 +0300] cupsdFindBest: best=/
d [30/Aug/2024:22:31:36 +0300] [Client 59] con->uri="/favicon.ico", con->best=0x55c1ad47d220(/)
D [30/Aug/2024:22:31:36 +0300] [Client 59] No authentication data provided.
d [30/Aug/2024:22:31:36 +0300] cupsdIsAuthorized: con->uri="/favicon.ico", con->best=0x55c1ad47d220(/)
d [30/Aug/2024:22:31:36 +0300] cupsdIsAuthorized: level=CUPSD_AUTH_ANON, type=None, satisfy=CUPSD_AUTH_SATISFY_ALL, num_names=0
d [30/Aug/2024:22:31:36 +0300] cupsdIsAuthorized: auth=CUPSD_AUTH_DENY...
d [30/Aug/2024:22:31:36 +0300] [Client 59] cupsdSendError code=403, auth_type=0
D [30/Aug/2024:22:31:36 +0300] [Client 59] cupsdSendHeader: code=403, type="text/html", auth_type=0
D [30/Aug/2024:22:31:36 +0300] [Client 59] Closing connection.
D [30/Aug/2024:22:31:36 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Not busy", busy="Active clients"
d [30/Aug/2024:22:31:36 +0300] cupsdRemoveSelect(fd=11)
d [30/Aug/2024:22:31:36 +0300] cupsdRemoveSelect(fd=-1)
d [30/Aug/2024:22:31:36 +0300] select_timeout: JobHistoryUpdate=0
I [30/Aug/2024:22:31:37 +0300] Expiring subscriptions...
d [30/Aug/2024:22:31:37 +0300] select_timeout: JobHistoryUpdate=0
d [30/Aug/2024:22:31:37 +0300] select_timeout(0): 86400 seconds to do nothing
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