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Получаю ошибку SyntaxError: JSON Parse error?

Error: SyntaxError: JSON Parse error: Unexpected EOF (-2700)

Вот мой код
const app = Application.currentApplication()
app.includeStandardAdditions = true


  name: 'HandleDataAction',
  methods: {
      'outData:': {
          types: ['void', ['id']],
          implementation: function(sender) {
              const data = sender.object.availableData
              if (data.length !== '0') {
                  const output = $.NSString.alloc.initWithDataEncoding(data, $.NSUTF8StringEncoding).js
                  const res = parseOutput(output)
                  if (res) {
                      switch (res.type) {
                          case 'progress':
                              Progress.additionalDescription = `Progress: ${res.data}%`
                              Progress.completedUnitCount = res.data
                          case 'exit':
                              if (res.data === 0) {
                                  $.puts(JSON.stringify({ title: 'Installation succeeded' }))
                              } else {
                                  $.puts(JSON.stringify({ title: `Failed with error code ${res.data}` }))
              } else {

function parseOutput(output) {
  let matches

  matches = output.match(/Progress: ([0-9]{1,3})%/)
  if (matches) {
      return {
          type: 'progress',
          data: parseInt(matches[1], 10)

  matches = output.match(/Exit Code: ([0-9]{1,3})/)
  if (matches) {
      return {
          type: 'exit',
          data: parseInt(matches[1], 10)

  return false

function shellescape(a) {
  var ret = [];

  a.forEach(function(s) {
    if (/[^A-Za-z0-9_\/:=-]/.test(s)) {
      s = "'"+s.replace(/'/g,"'\\''")+"'";
      s = s.replace(/^(?:'')+/g, '') // unduplicate single-quote at the beginning
        .replace(/\\'''/g, "\\'" ); // remove non-escaped single-quote if there are enclosed between 2 escaped

  return ret.join(' ');

function run() {
  const appPath = app.pathTo(this).toString()
  //const driverPath = appPath.substring(0, appPath.lastIndexOf('/')) + '/products/driver.xml'
  const driverPath = appPath + '/Contents/Resources/products/driver.xml'
  const hyperDrivePath = '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Desktop Common/HDBox/Setup'

  // The JXA Objective-C bridge is completely broken in Big Sur
  if (!$.NSProcessInfo && parseFloat(app.doShellScript('sw_vers -productVersion')) >= 11.0) {
      app.displayAlert('GUI unavailable in Big Sur', {
          message: 'JXA is currently broken in Big Sur.\nInstall in Terminal instead?',
          buttons: ['Cancel', 'Install in Terminal'],
          defaultButton: 'Install in Terminal',
          cancelButton: 'Cancel'
      const cmd = shellescape([ 'sudo', hyperDrivePath, '--install=1', '--driverXML=' + driverPath ])
      app.displayDialog('Run this command in Terminal to install (press \'OK\' to copy to clipboard)', { defaultAnswer: cmd })

  const args = $.NSProcessInfo.processInfo.arguments
  const argv = []
  const argc = args.count
  for (var i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
  delete args

  const installFlag = argv.indexOf('-y') > -1

  if (!installFlag) {
      app.displayAlert('Adobe Package Installer', {
          message: 'Start installation now?',
          buttons: ['Cancel', 'Install'],
          defaultButton: 'Install',
          cancelButton: 'Cancel'

      const output = app.doShellScript(`"${appPath}/Contents/MacOS/applet" -y`, { administratorPrivileges: true })
      const alert = JSON.parse(output)
      alert.params ? app.displayAlert(alert.title, alert.params) : app.displayAlert(alert.title)

  const stdout = $.NSPipe.pipe
  const task = $.NSTask.alloc.init

  task.executableURL = $.NSURL.alloc.initFileURLWithPath(hyperDrivePath)
  task.arguments = $(['--install=1', '--driverXML=' + driverPath])
  task.standardOutput = stdout

  const dataAction = $.HandleDataAction.alloc.init
  $.NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter.addObserverSelectorNameObject(dataAction, 'outData:', $.NSFileHandleDataAvailableNotification, $.initialOutputFile)


  let err = $.NSError.alloc.initWithDomainCodeUserInfo('', 0, '')
  const ret = task.launchAndReturnError(err)
  if (!ret) {
          title: 'Error',
          params: {
              message: 'Failed to launch task: ' + err.localizedDescription.UTF8String

  Progress.description =  "Installing packages..."
  Progress.additionalDescription = "Preparing…"
  Progress.totalUnitCount = 100

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У вас ошибка в самой JSON строке! Парсер JSON дошёл до конца JSON строки, но так и не нашел какую-нибудь закрывающую скобку или кавычку. О чём он и сообщает в ошибке, которую нужно читать (переводить) (понимать).
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