Я знакомлюсь с tensorflowjs решил попробовать создать LSTM модель для работы с языками, хотел написать небольшого чат бота, но либо в моем коде ошибка либо что-то еще но ошибка сети после нескольких эпох держится около 1400+-
const natural = require('natural')
const input = require('input')
const tf = require('@tensorflow/tfjs-node')
const fs = require('fs')
// Params Network
const epochs = 10000
// Tokenizers
const tokens = { normal: { }, reverse: { }, max: null, min: null }
const tokenizer = new natural.WordPunctTokenizer()
const maxLength = 32
const text = `Однажды в лесу, где все деревья были высокими и зелеными, жил маленький зайчик по имени Тимми.`
const data = [ ]
for ( let i = 0; i < text?.length; i+=1 ) {
const input = text?.slice(i, i + maxLength)
const output = text?.slice(i + maxLength, i + maxLength + maxLength)
if ( input?.length !== maxLength || output?.length !== maxLength ) {
for ( let str of data ) {
str = str?.input + ' ' + str?.output
const context = str?.replace(/ /gi, ' _ ')
const sequence = tokenizer.tokenize(context)
for ( const char of sequence ) {
if ( !tokens?.normal?.[char] ) {
tokens.normal[char] = Object.keys(tokens.normal)?.length + 1
tokens.reverse[tokens?.normal?.[char]] = char
tokens.max = Math.max(...Object.keys(tokens?.normal)?.map(key => tokens?.normal?.[key]))
tokens.min = Math.min(...Object.keys(tokens?.normal)?.map(key => tokens?.normal?.[key]))
const encode = (context) => {
context = context?.replace(/ /gi, ' _ ')
const sequence = tokenizer.tokenize(context)
const sequences = [ ]
for ( const char of sequence ) {
if ( tokens?.normal?.[char] ) {
const paddedSequence = [ ...sequences?.slice(-maxLength) ]
while ( paddedSequence?.length < maxLength ) {
return paddedSequence
const decode = sequence => {
const paddedSequence = [ ]
for ( const char of sequence ) {
if ( tokens?.reverse?.[char] ) {
paddedSequence.push(tokens?.reverse?.[char] || '')
const string = paddedSequence?.join('')?.replace(/\_/gi, ' ')?.trim()
return string
const ask = (context, model) => {
const encodedInput = tf.tensor(encode(context), [1, maxLength])
const predict = model.predict(encodedInput)
const output = predict.arraySync()[0]
const paddedOutput = output?.map(p => Math.floor(p * tokens?.max))
return decode(paddedOutput)
;(async () => {
const xsData = tf.tensor(data.map(d => encode(d.input)))
const ysData = tf.tensor(data.map(d => encode(d.output)))
const model = tf.sequential({
layers: [
inputDim: tokens?.max,
outputDim: maxLength,
inputLength: maxLength
units: 64,
activation: 'tanh',
returnSequences: true
tf.layers.dropout({ rate: 0.2 }),
units: 32,
activation: 'tanh'
tf.layers.dropout({ rate: 0.2 }),
tf.layers.dense({ units: maxLength, activation: 'softmax' })
loss: 'categoricalCrossentropy',
optimizer: tf.train.adam(0.005),
metrics: ['accuracy']
let startTime = Date.now()
let time = Date.now()
await model.fit(xsData, ysData, {
batchSize: 128,
validationSplit: 0.2,
// shuffle: true,
callbacks: {
onEpochEnd: async (epoche, logs) => {
let newTime = Date.now()
let str = ''
const difference = newTime - time
if ( difference < 1e3 ) {
str = `${ difference }ms`
} else {
const seconds = Math.floor(difference / 1e3)
str = `${ seconds }s ${ difference - seconds * 1e3 }ms`
console.log(`Step: ${ str }`)
console.log(`Remaining: ~${ Math.ceil(((epochs - epoche) * (newTime - startTime)) / epoche / (1e3 * 6)) / 10 }min`)
console.log(`Epoch: ${ epoche }/${ epochs } ${ Math.floor(epoche / epochs * 1000) / 10 }%`)
console.log(`Error: ${ logs?.loss }`)
time = newTime
await model.save('file://./model')
await model.save('file://./model')
console.log(ask('Привет', model))
console.log(ask('Как дела?', model))
console.log(ask('Как дела', model))