import pygame
from random import randrange
RES = 800
SIZE = 80
x, y = randrange(0, RES, SIZE), randrange(0, RES, SIZE)
apple = randrange(0, RES, SIZE), randrange(0, RES, SIZE)
dirs = {'W': True, 'S': True, 'A': True, 'D': True, }
length = 1
snake = [(x, y)]
dx, dy = 0, 0
score = 0
fps = 5
sc = pygame.display.set_mode([RES, RES])
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
font_score = pygame.font.SysFont('Arial', 26, bold=True)
font_end = pygame.font.SysFont('Arial', 66, bold=True)
while True:
# отрисовка
[(pygame.draw.rect(sc, pygame.Color('green'), (i, j, SIZE - 2, SIZE - 2))) for i, j in snake]
pygame.draw.rect(sc, pygame.Color('red'), (*apple, SIZE, SIZE))
# Счёт
render_score = font_score.render(f'SCORE: {score}', 1, pygame.Color('orange'))
sc.blit(render_score, (5, 5))
# Движение змейки
x += dx * SIZE
y += dy * SIZE
snake.append((x, y))
snake = snake[-length:]
# Скушать яблочко
if snake[-1] == apple:
apple = randrange(0, RES, SIZE), randrange(0, RES, SIZE)
length += 1
fps += 0.5
score += 1
# game over
if x < 0 or x > RES - SIZE or y < 0 or y > RES - SIZE or len(snake) != len(set(snake)):
while True:
render_end = font_end.render('GAME OVER', 1, pygame.Color('orange'))
sc.blit(render_end, (RES // 2 - 180, RES // 2.5))
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
# закрытие приложения
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
# Управление
key = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if key[pygame.K_w] and dirs['W']:
dx, dy = 0, -1
dirs = {'W': True, 'S': False, 'A': True, 'D': True, }
if key[pygame.K_s] and dirs['S']:
dx, dy = 0, 1
dirs = {'W': False, 'S': True, 'A': True, 'D': True, }
if key[pygame.K_a] and dirs['A']:
dx, dy = -1, 0
dirs = {'W': True, 'S': True, 'A': True, 'D': False, }
if key[pygame.K_d] and dirs['D']:
dx, dy = 1, 0
dirs = {'W': True, 'S': True, 'A': False, 'D': True, }
import pygame
from random import randrange
import keyboard
class Control:
def __init__(self, dirs: dict, x_y: list, key: str) -> None:
self.dirs = dirs
self.x_y = x_y
self.key = key
def __call__(self, _):
if self.key == 'W' and self.dirs['W']:
self.x_y[:] = [0, -1]
self.dirs.update({'W': True, 'S': False, 'A': True, 'D': True, })
if self.key == 'S' and self.dirs['S']:
self.x_y[:] = [0, 1]
self.dirs.update({'W': False, 'S': True, 'A': True, 'D': True, })
if self.key == 'A' and self.dirs['A']:
self.x_y[:] = [-1, 0]
self.dirs.update({'W': True, 'S': True, 'A': True, 'D': False, })
if self.key == 'D' and self.dirs['D']:
self.x_y[:] = [1, 0]
self.dirs.update({'W': True, 'S': True, 'A': False, 'D': True, })
def run_ctrl():
up = Control(dirs, x_y, 'W')
down = Control(dirs, x_y, 'S')
left = Control(dirs, x_y, 'A')
right = Control(dirs, x_y, 'D')
keyboard.on_press_key('W', up)
keyboard.on_press_key('S', down)
keyboard.on_press_key('A', left)
keyboard.on_press_key('D', right)
RES = 800
SIZE = 80
x, y = randrange(0, RES, SIZE), randrange(0, RES, SIZE)
apple = randrange(0, RES, SIZE), randrange(0, RES, SIZE)
dirs = {'W': True, 'S': True, 'A': True, 'D': True, }
length = 1
snake = [(x, y)]
x_y = [0, 0]
dx, dy = 0, 0
score = 0
fps = 1
sc = pygame.display.set_mode([RES, RES])
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
font_score = pygame.font.SysFont('Arial', 26, bold=True)
font_end = pygame.font.SysFont('Arial', 66, bold=True)
run_ctrl() #управление
while True:
dx, dy = x_y #передача значение управление
# Счёт
render_score = font_score.render(f'SCORE: {score}', 1, pygame.Color('orange'))
sc.blit(render_score, (5, 5))
# Движение змейки
x += dx * SIZE
y += dy * SIZE
snake.append((x, y))
snake = snake[-length:]
# отрисовка
[(pygame.draw.rect(sc, pygame.Color('green'), (i, j, SIZE - 2, SIZE - 2))) for i, j in snake]
pygame.draw.rect(sc, pygame.Color('red'), (*apple, SIZE, SIZE))
# Скушать яблочко
if snake[-1] == apple:
apple = randrange(0, RES, SIZE), randrange(0, RES, SIZE)
length += 1
fps += 0.1
score += 1
# game over
if x < 0 or x > RES - SIZE or y < 0 or y > RES - SIZE or len(snake) != len(set(snake)):
while True:
render_end = font_end.render('GAME OVER', 1, pygame.Color('orange'))
sc.blit(render_end, (RES // 2 - 180, RES // 2.5))
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
# закрытие приложения
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT: