Изучаю документацию Django, следую строго инструкции, получаю ошибку на которую не смог нагуглить ответ:
selected_choice.votes += 1
TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str
Причина ясна, но как ее исправить?
def vote(request, question_id):
question = get_object_or_404(Question, pk=question_id)
selected_choice = question.choice_set.get(pk=request.POST['choice'])
except (KeyError, Choice.DoesNotExist):
# Redisplay the question voting form.
return render(request, 'polls/detail.html', {
'question': question,
'error_message': "You didn't select a choice.",
selected_choice.votes += 1
# Always return an HttpResponseRedirect after successfully dealing
# with POST data. This prevents data from being posted twice if a
# user hits the Back button.
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('polls:results', args=(question.id,)))
def results(request, question_id):
question = get_object_or_404(Question, pk=question_id)
return render(request, 'polls/results.html', {'question': question})