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Почему нет окна PyGame?

Не показывается окно PyGame, в доке висит значок, а окна нет.

python - 3.10.4
Pygame - 2.1.3.dev4 (Пробовал и на стабильной.)
OS - Monterey 12.4 (CPU x64)
(код овнокод, много циклов, если нужно прикреплю)

Что делать?
Код, аккуратно, больно для глаз
from threading import Thread
from network import *
from genom import Genom
import pygame

# air # NEURO TYPE - 0
food = [] # list of food (x,y) positions in the maze # NEURO TYPE - 1
other_players = [] # list of other players (x,y) positions in the maze # NEURO TYPE - 2
kill_blocks = [] # list of kill blocks (x,y) positions in the maze # NEURO TYPE - 3

pop_size = 128
pop = []

x_size = 512
y_size = 512

view_size = 4

block_size = 4

# init pygame and create window and surface objects for drawing the maze and the players on it 
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((x_size, y_size))

(up - 0, down - 1, left - 2, right - 3) - 0-3
(go - 0, nothing - 1, eat - 2, kill - 3, cross - 4) - 4-8



def getBestGenom(pop) -> Genom:
    best = pop[0]
    for genom in pop:
        if genom.fitnes > best.fitnes:
            best = genom
    return best

# Create a population of random networks.
for i in range(pop_size):
    genom = Genom(NeuralNetwork([(((view_size*2)+1)**2), 9, 9], nmin=0, nmax=3), i)

def getMaxOfArray(array: list) -> int:
    return max(range(len(array)), key=lambda i: array[i])

def setPosGenom(pop):
    for genom in pop:
        genom.myPos = (randint(0, x_size), randint(0, y_size))
        if genom.myPos in food:
            genom.myPos = (randint(0, x_size), randint(0, y_size))
        if genom.myPos in other_players:
            genom.myPos = (randint(0, x_size), randint(0, y_size))
        if genom.myPos in kill_blocks:
            genom.myPos = (randint(0, x_size), randint(0, y_size))

def newPop(old_Genom: 'Genom'):
    global pop

    old_Genom.NN.save("NNs/nn_" + str(old_Genom.index) + ".pkl")

    pop = []
    for i in range(pop_size):
        genom = Genom(None, i)
        genom.NN = old_Genom.NN.clone()

        # Mutate the genom with a random chance.
        if random() < 0.25:


# Game logic
while True:

    for i in range(1, 100000):
        screen.fill((255, 255, 255))
        print("Iteration: " + str(i))

        # for genom in pop:
        #     if not genom.islife:

        other_players = []
        for genom in pop:

        for genom in range(len(pop)):
            genom = pop[genom]
            if genom.islife:

                if genom.hp <= 0:
                    genom.islife = False
                    genom.fitnes -= 25

                input_array = []

                for y in range(genom.myPos[1]-view_size, genom.myPos[1]+view_size+1):
                    for x in range(genom.myPos[0]-view_size, genom.myPos[0]+view_size+1):
                        if x >= 0 and x < x_size and y >= 0 and y < y_size:
                            if (x, y) in food:
                            elif (x, y) in other_players:
                            elif (x, y) in kill_blocks:

                output = genom.getOutput(input_array)

                goTo = getMaxOfArray(output[:4])
                doSome = getMaxOfArray(output[-5:])

                if doSome == 0: # Go
                    if goTo == 0:
                        genom.myPos = (genom.myPos[0]-1, genom.myPos[1])
                    elif goTo == 1:
                        genom.myPos = (genom.myPos[0]+1, genom.myPos[1])
                    elif goTo == 2:
                        genom.myPos = (genom.myPos[0], genom.myPos[1]-1)
                    elif goTo == 3:
                        genom.myPos = (genom.myPos[0], genom.myPos[1]+1)
                    genom.fitnes += 1
                elif doSome == 1: # Nothing
                    genom.fitnes -= 0.1
                elif doSome == 2: # Eat
                    if (genom.myPos[0], genom.myPos[1]) in food:
                        food.remove((genom.myPos[0], genom.myPos[1]))
                        genom.hp += 50
                        genom.fitnes += 5
                elif doSome == 3: # Kill
                    if (genom.myPos[0], genom.myPos[1]) in kill_blocks:
                        kill_blocks.remove((genom.myPos[0], genom.myPos[1]))
                        genom.hp -= 10
                        genom.fitnes -= 15
                elif doSome == 4:
                    if goTo == 0:
                        cpos = (genom.myPos[0]-1, genom.myPos[1])
                    elif goTo == 1:
                        cpos = (genom.myPos[0]+1, genom.myPos[1])
                    elif goTo == 2:
                        cpos = (genom.myPos[0], genom.myPos[1]-1)
                    elif goTo == 3:
                        cpos = (genom.myPos[0], genom.myPos[1]+1)
                    if (genom.myPos[0], genom.myPos[1]) in other_players:
                        for genom2 in pop:
                            if genom2.myPos == cpos and genom2.islife:
                                genom2.hp -= 5
                                genom.fitnes += 100
                                new_genom = Genom(genom.cross(genom2.NN), len(pop))
                                print("New life: " + str(new_genom.index))

                                if random() < 0.25:

                        genom.fitnes -= 15

                genom.hp -= 1
        if len(food) <= 512:
            for i in range(512-len(food)):
                food.append((randint(0, x_size), randint(0, y_size)))
        if len(kill_blocks) <= 512:
            for i in range(512-len(kill_blocks)):
                kill_blocks.append((randint(0, x_size), randint(0, y_size)))

        for genom in pop:
            if genom.islife:
                # Draw rect for genom position and hp bar and genom index and fitnes value on it. 
                if genom.myPos[0] >= 0 and genom.myPos[0] < x_size and genom.myPos[1] >= 0 and genom.myPos[1] < y_size:
                    pygame.draw.rect(screen, (255, 0, 0), (genom.myPos[0]*10, genom.myPos[1]*10, 10, 10), 0)
                    pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0, 255, 0), (genom.myPos[0]*10, genom.myPos[1]*10, 10, 10), int(10*genom.hp/150))
        for food_pos in food:
            # Daraw rect for food position and food index on it. 
            if food_pos[0] >= 0 and food_pos[0] < x_size and food_pos[1] >= 0 and food_pos[1] < y_size:
                pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0, 255, 0), (food_pos[0]*10, food_pos[1]*10, 10, 10), 0)

        for kill_pos in kill_blocks:
            # Daraw rect for kill block position and kill block index on it.
            if kill_pos[0] >= 0 and kill_pos[0] < x_size and kill_pos[1] >= 0 and kill_pos[1] < y_size:
                pygame.draw.rect(screen, (255, 0, 0), (kill_pos[0]*10, kill_pos[1]*10, 10, 10), 0)

        if len(other_players) == 0:
            print("No life")
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