# Имеется строка:
c = "§YCentralization§! indicates how much ruling is conducted by the nation's central government. There are benefits to both §GHigh Centralization§! and §YLow Centralization§!, however no benefits are gained from §YModerate Centralization§!."
#Создается массив из слов, которые разделены пробелом.
h = [x for x in c.split()]
print(h) # ['§YCentralization§!', 'indicates', 'how', 'much', 'ruling', 'is', 'conducted', 'by', 'the', "nation's", 'central', 'government.', 'There', 'are', 'benefits', 'to', 'both', '§GHigh', 'Centralization§!', 'and', '§YLow', 'Centralization§!,', 'however', 'no', 'benefits', 'are', 'gained', 'from', '§YModerate', 'Centralization§!.']
# Нужно чтобы слова содержащие символ §,в данном случае: §YCentralization§!, §GHigh, Centralization§!, §YLow, Centralization§!, §YModerate, Centralization§! - не изменялись, а другие слова соединились.
# Готовый массив должен выглядеть так: ['§YCentralization§!', "indicates how much ruling is conducted by the nation's central government. There are benefits to both", '§GHigh', 'Centralization§!', 'and', '§YLow', 'Centralization§!,', 'however no benefits are gained from', '§YModerate', 'Centralization§!.']