Как выводить сообщение без остановки?
Проблема в том, что сообщение высылается только один раз и я не могу настроить её на то, чтобы она выводилась с каждым обновлением. Работа идет из Api.hypixel.net, оттуда берутся цены и сам предмет. Всё работает если выводить в командную строку, но когда я отправляю сообщением в Дискорд, оно выводится один раз и не продолжает работать
('/viewauction 27e47ca530964bb692640ebdebdda699 | Item Name: Baby Chick Chicken Skin | Item price: 290,000,000', ' | Second lowest BIN: 300,000,000')
Так же сообщение выводится в скобках, если убрать одну переменную из
flip = f'{"/viewauction " + str(result[0][0]) + " | Item Name: " + str(result[0][1]) + " | Item price: {:,}".format(result[0][2]), " | Second lowest BIN: {:,}".format(result[1])}'
То сообщение выводится без скобок и всё хорошо, но нужны все переменные
Код полностью:
import asyncio
import re
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from timeit import default_timer
import time
import traceback2 as traceback
import os
import discord
from discord.ext import tasks, commands
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import pandas as pd
import requests
client = discord.Client()
c = requests.get("https://api.hypixel.net/skyblock/auctions?page=0")
resp = c.json()
now = resp['lastUpdated']
toppage = resp['totalPages']
results = []
prices = {}
# stuff to remove
REFORGES = [" ✦", "⚚ ", " ✪", "✪", "Stiff ", "Lucky ", "Jerry's ", "Dirty ", "Fabled ", "Suspicious ", "Gilded ",
"Warped ", "Withered ", "Bulky ", "Stellar ", "Heated ", "Ambered ", "Fruitful ", "Magnetic ", "Fleet ",
"Mithraic ", "Auspicious ", "Refined ", "Headstrong ", "Precise ", "Spiritual ", "Moil ", "Blessed ",
"Toil ", "Bountiful ", "Candied ", "Submerged ", "Reinforced ", "Cubic ", "Warped ", "Undead ",
"Ridiculous ", "Necrotic ", "Spiked ", "Jaded ", "Loving ", "Perfect ", "Renowned ", "Giant ", "Empowered ",
"Ancient ", "Sweet ", "Silky ", "Bloody ", "Shaded ", "Gentle ", "Odd ", "Fast ", "Fair ", "Epic ",
"Sharp ", "Heroic ", "Spicy ", "Legendary ", "Deadly ", "Fine ", "Grand ", "Hasty ", "Neat ", "Rapid ",
"Unreal ", "Awkward ", "Rich ", "Clean ", "Fierce ", "Heavy ", "Light ", "Mythic ", "Pure ", "Smart ",
"Titanic ", "Wise ", "Bizarre ", "Itchy ", "Ominous ", "Pleasant ", "Pretty ", "Shiny ", "Simple ",
"Strange ", "Vivid ", "Godly ", "Demonic ", "Forceful ", "Hurtful ", "Keen ", "Strong ", "Superior ",
"Unpleasant ", "Zealous "]
# Constant for the lowest priced item you want to be shown to you; feel free to change this
# Constant to turn on/off desktop notifications
# Constant for the lowest percent difference you want to be shown to you; feel free to change this
START_TIME = default_timer()
def fetch(session, page):
global toppage
base_url = "https://api.hypixel.net/skyblock/auctions?page="
with session.get(base_url + page) as response:
# puts response in a dict
data = response.json()
toppage = data['totalPages']
if data['success']:
toppage = data['totalPages']
for auction in data['auctions']:
if not auction['claimed'] and 'bin' in auction and not "Furniture" in auction[
"item_lore"]: # if the auction isn't a) claimed and is b) BIN
# removes level if it's a pet, also
index = re.sub("\[[^\]]*\]", "", auction['item_name']) + auction['tier']
# removes reforges and other yucky characters
for reforge in REFORGES: index = index.replace(reforge, "")
# if the current item already has a price in the prices map, the price is updated
if index in prices:
if prices[index][0] > auction['starting_bid']:
prices[index][1] = prices[index][0]
prices[index][0] = auction['starting_bid']
elif prices[index][1] > auction['starting_bid']:
prices[index][1] = auction['starting_bid']
# otherwise, it's added to the prices map
prices[index] = [auction['starting_bid'], float("inf")]
# if the auction fits in some parameters
if prices[index][1] > LOWEST_PRICE and prices[index][1] - prices[index][0] > LOWEST_MARGIN and \
auction['start'] + 60000 > now:
results.append([auction['uuid'], auction['item_name'], auction['starting_bid'], index])
return data
async def get_data_asynchronous():
# puts all the page strings
pages = [str(x) for x in range(toppage)]
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as executor:
with requests.Session() as session:
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
START_TIME = default_timer()
tasks = [
*(session, page) # Allows us to pass in multiple arguments to `fetch`
# runs for every page
for page in pages if int(page) < toppage
for response in await asyncio.gather(*tasks):
def main():
# Resets variables
global results, prices, START_TIME
START_TIME = default_timer()
results = []
prices = {}
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
future = asyncio.ensure_future(get_data_asynchronous())
# Makes sure all the results are still up to date
if len(results): results = [[entry, prices[entry[3]][1]] for entry in results if (
entry[2] > LOWEST_PRICE and prices[entry[3]][1] != float('inf') and prices[entry[3]][0] == entry[2] and
prices[entry[3]][1] - prices[entry[3]][0] > LOWEST_MARGIN)]
if len(results): # if there's results to print
df = pd.DataFrame(['/viewauction ' + str(max(results, key=lambda entry: entry[1])[0][0])])
header=False) # copies most valuable auction to clipboard (usually just the only auction cuz very uncommon for there to be multiple
done = default_timer() - START_TIME
for result in results:
print("Auction UUID: /viewauction " + str(result[0][0]) + " | Item Name: " + str(result[0][1]) + " | Item price: {:,}".format(result[0][2])," | Second lowest BIN: {:,}".format(result[1]) + " | Time to refresh AH: " + str(round(done, 2)))
print("\nLooking for auctions...")
print("Looking for auctions...")
async def on_ready():
print('We have logged in as {0.user}'.format(client))
# make a channel variable first
channel = client.get_channel('channel') # channel id
# if you want to use the message later eg. to delete it you can make a variable too
for result in results:
flip = f'{"/viewauction " + str(result[0][0]) + " | Item Name: " + str(result[0][1]) + " | Item price: {:,}".format(result[0][2]), " | Second lowest BIN: {:,}".format(result[1])}'
await channel.send(f'{flip}')
# is a variable
def dostuff():
global now, toppage
# if 60 seconds have passed since the last update
if time.time() * 1000 > now + 60000:
prevnow = now
now = float('inf')
c = requests.get("https://api.hypixel.net/skyblock/auctions?page=0").json()
if c['lastUpdated'] != prevnow:
now = c['lastUpdated']
toppage = c['totalPages']
now = prevnow
while True:
Изначально думал что постоянный вывод сообщения должен работать в коде:
while True:
Но выводится лишь один раз и перестает сканироваться код и естественно оно не продолжает отправлять сообщения.
Только при присоединения Discord оно перестает сканировать