Для PWA мне нужно много favicon-ок, (то есть создать много иконок с одной, но разных размеров под разные девайсы)
Я пытался через
yarn add favicons --save-dev
(код с документации)
const favicons = require("favicons");
const faviconConfig = {
source: "public/img/icons/favicon.svg",
config: {
path: "public/img/icons/", // Path for overriding default icons path. `string`
appName: null, // Your application's name. `string`
appShortName: null, // Your application's short_name. `string`. Optional. If not set, appName will be used
appDescription: null, // Your application's description. `string`
developerName: null, // Your (or your developer's) name. `string`
developerURL: null, // Your (or your developer's) URL. `string`
dir: "auto", // Primary text direction for name, short_name, and description
lang: "en-US", // Primary language for name and short_name
background: "#fff", // Background colour for flattened icons. `string`
theme_color: "#fff", // Theme color user for example in Android's task switcher. `string`
appleStatusBarStyle: "black-translucent", // Style for Apple status bar: "black-translucent", "default", "black". `string`
display: "standalone", // Preferred display mode: "fullscreen", "standalone", "minimal-ui" or "browser". `string`
orientation: "any", // Default orientation: "any", "natural", "portrait" or "landscape". `string`
scope: "/", // set of URLs that the browser considers within your app
start_url: "/?homescreen=1", // Start URL when launching the application from a device. `string`
version: "1.0", // Your application's version string. `string`
logging: true, // Print logs to console? `boolean`
pixel_art: false, // Keeps pixels "sharp" when scaling up, for pixel art. Only supported in offline mode.
loadManifestWithCredentials: false, // Browsers don't send cookies when fetching a manifest, enable this to fix that. `boolean`
icons: {
// Platform Options:
// - offset - offset in percentage
// - background:
// * false - use default
// * true - force use default, e.g. set background for Android icons
// * color - set background for the specified icons
// * mask - apply mask in order to create circle icon (applied by default for firefox). `boolean`
// * overlayGlow - apply glow effect after mask has been applied (applied by default for firefox). `boolean`
// * overlayShadow - apply drop shadow after mask has been applied .`boolean`
android: true, // Create Android homescreen icon. `boolean` or `{ offset, background, mask, overlayGlow, overlayShadow }` or an array of sources
appleIcon: true, // Create Apple touch icons. `boolean` or `{ offset, background, mask, overlayGlow, overlayShadow }` or an array of sources
appleStartup: true, // Create Apple startup images. `boolean` or `{ offset, background, mask, overlayGlow, overlayShadow }` or an array of sources
coast: true, // Create Opera Coast icon. `boolean` or `{ offset, background, mask, overlayGlow, overlayShadow }` or an array of sources
favicons: true, // Create regular favicons. `boolean` or `{ offset, background, mask, overlayGlow, overlayShadow }` or an array of sources
firefox: true, // Create Firefox OS icons. `boolean` or `{ offset, background, mask, overlayGlow, overlayShadow }` or an array of sources
windows: true, // Create Windows 8 tile icons. `boolean` or `{ offset, background, mask, overlayGlow, overlayShadow }` or an array of sources
yandex: true, // Create Yandex browser icon. `boolean` or `{ offset, background, mask, overlayGlow, overlayShadow }` or an array of sources
callback: function (error, response) {
if (error) {
console.log(error.message); // Error description e.g. "An unknown error has occurred"
console.log(response.images); // Array of { name: string, contents: <buffer> }
console.log(response.files); // Array of { name: string, contents: <string> }
console.log(response.html); // Array of strings (html elements)
favicons(faviconConfig.source, faviconConfig.config, faviconConfig.callback);
Но плагин почему-то не перезаписывает файлы. Что могло пойти не так или какой плагин используете вы?