имеется код
public function display()
if (isset($_POST['fav']))
$id = (int)$_POST['fav'];
if ($id<=0) die;
$chk = (bool)db::i()->selectCell("SELECT added from c_user_favorite where id_user = ".(int)$this->user['id']." and id_object = ".(int)$id.";");
if ($chk) db::i()->query("DELETE from c_user_favorite where id_user = ".(int)$this->user['id']." and id_object = ".(int)$id.";");
else db::i()->query("INSERT INTO c_user_favorite (id_user, id_object, added) VALUES (".(int)$this->user['id'].", ".(int)$id.", NOW());");
/* select rows */
$favIds = db::i()->selectArr("SELECT id_object AS _V FROM c_user_favorite where id_user = ".(int)$this->user['id']);
echo count($favIds);
if (count($favIds))
$orders = array
'__photoid' => 'ФОТО',
'id' => 'ID',
'__l_deal_type__name' => 'СДЕЛКА',
'address' => 'АДРЕС',
'name' => 'НАЗВАНИЕ',
'__l_object_type__name' => 'ТИП ОБЪЕКТА',
'__l_object_metro__name' => 'МЕТРО',
'area' => 'МЕТРАЖ',
'__price' => 'ЦЕНА',
'__c_user_favorite__added' => 'ДОБАВЛЕНО'
tpl::i()->set('orders', $orders);
tpl::i()->set('rows', fs::getObjects("c_object.id IN (".implode(",", $favIds ).") and c_object.id>0"));
echo count($favIds) дает мне число 5 . Как можно его вывести в шаблон твига? tpl
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">Избранное</div>
<table class="table table-striped table-hover">
{% for k,v in orders %}
<th {% if in_array(k, ['area', '__price']) %}style="text-align:right"{% endif %}><nobr>
{% if order == k %}
{% if sort == 'asc' %}<a href="{{url}}?page={{page}}&order={{k}}&sort=desc">{{v}} <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-up"></i></a>
{% else %}<a href="{{url}}?page={{page}}&order={{k}}&sort=asc">{{v}} <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down"></i></a>
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<a href="{{url}}?page={{page}}&order={{k}}&sort=desc">{{v}}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}