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  • Не могу понять, почему выдает ошибку php?

    @robi_ds Автор вопроса
    Hocopor, Друг, если не сложно, можешь пожалуйста посмотреть? Все нормально работало 2 дня и сегодня перестало. Настроил сервер новый ввел рабочий вариант и опять не работает... Не могу понять даже какая ошибка, выдает просто 5ad3d71888343421718520.png
    Вариант кода такой же, только исправлена ошибка с количеством переменных...
  • Не могу понять, почему выдает ошибку php?

    @robi_ds Автор вопроса
    	//getting the dboperation class
    	require_once '../includes/DbOperation.php';
    	//function validating all the paramters are available
    	//we will pass the required parameters to this function 
    	function isTheseParametersAvailable($params){
    		//assuming all parameters are available 
    		$available = true; 
    		$missingparams = ""; 
    		foreach($params as $param){
    			if(!isset($_POST[$param]) || strlen($_POST[$param])<=0){
    				$available = false; 
    				$missingparams = $missingparams . ", " . $param; 
    		//if parameters are missing 
    			$response = array(); 
    			$response['error'] = true; 
    			$response['message'] = 'Parameters ' . substr($missingparams, 1, strlen($missingparams)) . ' missing';
    			//displaying error
    			echo json_encode($response);
    			//stopping further execution
    	//an array to display response
    	$response = array();
    	//if it is an api call 
    	//that means a get parameter named api call is set in the URL 
    	//and with this parameter we are concluding that it is an api call
    			//the CREATE operation
    			//if the api call value is 'createhero'
    			//we will create a record in the database
    			case 'createhero':
    				//first check the parameters required for this request are available or not 
    				isTheseParametersAvailable(array('name','fio','rating','details', 'data', 'image'));
    				//creating a new dboperation object
    				$db = new DbOperation();
    				//creating a new record in the database
    				$result = $db->createHero(
    				//if the record is created adding success to response
    					//record is created means there is no error
    					$response['error'] = false; 
    					//in message we have a success message
    					$response['message'] = 'Hero addedd successfully';
    					//and we are getting all the heroes from the database in the response
    					$response['heroes'] = $db->getHeroes();
    					//if record is not added that means there is an error 
    					$response['error'] = true; 
    					//and we have the error message
    					$response['message'] = 'problem tut 2';
    			//the READ operation
    			//if the call is getheroes
    			case 'getheroes':
    				$db = new DbOperation();
    				$response['error'] = false; 
    				$response['message'] = 'Request successfully completed';
    				$response['heroes'] = $db->getHeroes();
    			//the UPDATE operation
    			case 'updatehero':
    				isTheseParametersAvailable(array('id','name','fio','rating','details', 'data', 'image'));
    				$db = new DbOperation();
    				$result = $db->updateHero(
    					$response['error'] = false; 
    					$response['message'] = 'Hero updated successfully';
    					$response['heroes'] = $db->getHeroes();
    					$response['error'] = true; 
    					$response['message'] = 'problem tut 3';
    			//the delete operation
    			case 'deletehero':
    				//for the delete operation we are getting a GET parameter from the url having the id of the record to be deleted
    					$db = new DbOperation();
    						$response['error'] = false; 
    						$response['message'] = 'Hero deleted successfully';
    						$response['heroes'] = $db->getHeroes();
    						$response['error'] = true; 
    						$response['message'] = 'roblem tut 1';
    					$response['error'] = true; 
    					$response['message'] = 'Nothing to delete, provide an id please';
    		//if it is not api call 
    		//pushing appropriate values to response array 
    		$response['error'] = true; 
    		$response['message'] = 'Invalid API Call';
    	//displaying the response in json structure 
    	echo json_encode($response);

    class DbOperation
        //Database connection link
        private $con;
        //Class constructor
        function __construct()
            //Getting the DbConnect.php file
            require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/DbConnect.php';
            //Creating a DbConnect object to connect to the database
            $db = new DbConnect();
            //Initializing our connection link of this class
            //by calling the method connect of DbConnect class
            $this->con = $db->connect();
    	* The create operation
    	* When this method is called a new record is created in the database
    	function createHero($name, $fio, $rating, $details, $data, $image){
    		$stmt = $this->con->prepare("INSERT INTO heroes (name, fio, rating, details, data, image) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
    		$stmt->bind_param("ssis", $name, $fio, $rating, $details, $data, $image);
    			return true; 
    		return false; 
    	* The read operation
    	* When this method is called it is returning all the existing record of the database
    	function getHeroes(){
    		$stmt = $this->con->prepare("SELECT id, name, fio, rating, details, data, image FROM heroes");
    		$stmt->bind_result($id, $name, $fio, $rating, $details, $data, $image);
    		$heroes = array(); 
    			$hero  = array();
    			$hero['id'] = $id; 
    			$hero['name'] = $name; 
    			$hero['fio'] = $fio; 
    			$hero['rating'] = $rating; 
    			$hero['details'] = $details;
    			$hero['data'] = $data; 
    			$hero['image'] = $image;
    			array_push($heroes, $hero); 
    		return $heroes; 
    	* The update operation
    	* When this method is called the record with the given id is updated with the new given values
    	function updateHero($id, $name, $fio, $rating, $details, $data, $image){
    		$stmt = $this->con->prepare("UPDATE heroes SET name = ?, fio = ?, rating = ?, details = ?, data = ?, image = ? WHERE id = ?");
    		$stmt->bind_param("ssisi", $name, $fio, $rating, $details, $data, $image, $id);
    			return true; 
    		return false; 
    	* The delete operation
    	* When this method is called record is deleted for the given id 
    	function deleteHero($id){
    		$stmt = $this->con->prepare("DELETE FROM heroes WHERE id = ? ");
    		$stmt->bind_param("i", $id);
    			return true; 
    		return false; 
  • Не могу понять, почему выдает ошибку php?

    @robi_ds Автор вопроса
    Это я уже полностью исправил, нашел, но все равно та же ошибка. В коментах скинул исправленный, но все нерабочий.
  • Не могу подключиться к sql c hph, как исправить ошибку Access denied?

    @robi_ds Автор вопроса
    Fixid, Проверял, сейчас заметил что у меня есть два пользователя rob 5ad09b4f72c6c838802309.png?
    Удалил локалхост пользователя rob и теперь получаю 5ad09b7967d08061834148.png
    Может быть как то проблема в этом?
  • Не могу подключиться к sql c hph, как исправить ошибку Access denied?

    @robi_ds Автор вопроса
    Fixid, происходит абсолютно тоже самое, с phpmyadmin заходит со всех аккаунтов(естественно кроме рута)
  • Не могу подключиться к sql c hph, как исправить ошибку Access denied?

    @robi_ds Автор вопроса
    Да, привилегии применил командой FLUSH PRIVILEGES;