Задать вопрос
  • Как изменить цвет элементов svg иконки при смене темы в ReactJS?

    You can do as i described below to dynamically customize size, fill, stroke (and any svg attribute you want):

    Put some svg file in your profect:
    ic-some-svg-ic.svg file:
    <!-- Delete width and height of <svg> tag, only viewBox is needed -->
    <!-- If you specify there fill or stroke, they will be default -->
    <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
         viewBox="0 0 100 100"
            Delete all fill and stroke in children
            in order them to take fill and stroke from parent <svg> tag
        <rect x="16" y="57" width="68" height="16" stroke="none" />
        <circle cx="25.5" cy="40.5" r="9.5" stroke="none" />
        <circle cx="50.5" cy="40.5" r="9.5" stroke="none" />
        <circle cx="74.5" cy="40.5" r="9.5" stroke="none" />

    Create SVG React Component from this file:
    SomeSvgIc.tsx file:
    import React from 'react'
    import { ReactComponent as SomeSvgSvg } from '../../assets/icons/ic-some-svg-ic.svg'
    const SomeSvgIc = ({color, size}: {color:string, size?:number}) => {
        return <SomeSvgSvg
    export default SomeSvgIc

    Test it:
    import SomeSvgIc from "../components/SvgIcons/SomeSvgIc";
    const SvgTest = () => {
        return <div>
            <div style={{width:400, height:200, border: '1px solid red' }}>
                <SomeSvgIc color={"blue"} size={50}/>
            <div style={{width:200, height:400, border: '1px solid red' }}>
                <SomeSvgIc color={"blue"}/>
            <div style={{display: 'flex', flexFlow: 'row nowrap'}}>
                <div style={{width:200, height:200, background: 'red'}} />
                <div style={{height:200, background: 'yellow'}}>
                    <SomeSvgIc color={"blue"}/>
    export default SvgTest

    SomeSvgIc2.tsx file:
    import React from 'react'
    const SomeSvgIc2 = ({color1, color2, color3, color4, size}: {color1:string, color2:string, color3:string, color4:string, size?:number}) => {
        return <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
                    viewBox="0 0 100 100"
                    width={size??'100%'} height={size??'100%'} >
            <rect x="16" y="57" width="68" height="16" stroke="none" fill={color1} />
            <circle cx="25.5" cy="40.5" r="9.5" stroke="none" fill={color2} />
            <circle cx="50.5" cy="40.5" r="9.5" stroke="none" fill={color3} />
            <circle cx="74.5" cy="40.5" r="9.5" stroke="none" fill={color4} />
    export default SomeSvgIc2

    And use in component jsx/tsx markup:
    <SomeSvgIc2 color1={"blue"} color2={"red"} color3={"black"} color4={"green"} size={50}/>

    You can easy create your own SVG icons in Figma (it is free)
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