Ответы пользователя по тегу Python
  • Как реализовать алгоритм RSA на эллиптических кривых EC?

    @ogregor Автор вопроса
    арендатор vpn сервера debian
    # ECIES5.py
    # 21st November 2015
    # Mohit  Bhura 11CS30019
    # Yash Shrivastava 13CS10054
    # Souvik Sonar 15CS91S01
    # Nadeem Shaik 11CS30033 
    from random import randint
    from math import *
    #input : 3 integers - base, exp, modulus
    # output : (base^exp)%modulus
    def mod_pow(base, exp ,modulus):
        result = 1;
        while ( exp > 0):
            if ( exp & 1 > 0 ):
                result = (result*base)%modulus
            base = (base*base)%modulus;
        return result;
    # The jacobian function
    def jacobi(a, n):
        t = 1
        while a != 0:
            while a % 2 == 0:
                a >>= 1
                if n % 8 == 3 or n % 8 == 5: t = -t
            if a < n:
                a, n = n, a
                if a % 4 == 3 and n % 4 == 3: t = -t
            a = (a - n) >> 1
            if n % 8 == 3 or n % 8 == 5: t = -t
        if n == 1: return t
        else: return 0
    # calculates sqrt(a)mod(p) where p is a prime
    def mod_sqrt(a, p):
        a = a % p
        if p % 8 == 3 or p % 8 == 7:
            return mod_pow(a, (p+1)/4, p)
        elif p % 8 == 5:
            x = mod_pow(a, (p+3)/8, p)
            c = (x*x) % p
            if a == c:
                return x
            return (x * mod_pow(2, (p-1)/4, p)) % p
            # find a quadratic non-residue d
            d = 2
            while jacobi(d, p) > -1:
                d += 1
            # set p-1 = 2^s * t with t odd
            t = p - 1
            s = 0
            while t % 2 == 0:
                t /= 2
                s += 1
            at = mod_pow(a, t, p)
            dt = mod_pow(d, t, p)
            m = 0
            for i in xrange(0, s):
                if mod_pow(at * pow(dt, m), pow(2, s-1-i), p) == (p-1):
                    m = m + pow(2, i)
            return (pow(a, (t+1)/2) * pow(dt, m/2)) % p
    #input : a point belonging to the elliptic curve
    #return : a point 
    def point_double(P):
        p1 = P;
        q1 = P;
        lam = 3*p1[0]*p1[0]+a;
        inv = mod_pow(2*p1[1],p-2,p);
        lam = lam*inv;
        xr = (lam*lam - p1[0] - q1[0])%p;
        yr = lam*(p1[0]-xr)-p1[1];
        yr = yr%p
        R = (xr,yr);
        return R;
    #input : 2 points belonging to the elliptic curve
    #return : a point 
    def point_addition(P,Q):
        p1 = P;
        q1 = Q;
        if(p1 == q1):
            return point_double(P);
        lam = (q1[1]-p1[1]);
        inv = mod_pow(q1[0]-p1[0],p-2,p);
        lam = lam*inv;
        xr = lam*lam - p1[0] - q1[0];
        yr = lam*(p1[0]-xr)-p1[1];
        xr %= p;
        yr %= p;
        R = (xr,yr);
        return R;
    #input : an integer, a point belonging to the elliptic curve
    #return : a point 
    def point_multiply(d,P):
        m = log(d,2)+1;
        d = bin(d)[2:]
        d = list(d)
        Q  = 0;
        d = map(int,d)
        for i in (d):
            if i :
                if Q == 0 :
                    Q = P;
                    Q = point_addition(P,Q);
            P = point_double(P);
        return Q
    def point_compress(P):
        l = P;
        return [int(l[0]),int(l[1])%2];
    # input : a tuple consisiting of the return of point_compress
    # return : a tuple [x0/m,y0/m]
    def point_decompress(x,i):
        z = (x**3 + a*x + b)%p;
        if mod_pow(z,(p-1)/2,p) == -1 :
            return "failure";
        y = mod_sqrt(z, p)
        if y%2 == i:
            return [x,y];
            return [x,p-y];
    def encrypt(x):
        encryption = [point_compress(l),(x*int(R[0]))%p];
        return encryption;
    def decrypt(encryption):
        y1 = encryption[0];
        y2 = encryption[1];
        alpha = point_decompress(y1[0],y1[1]);
        # S = E(int(alpha[0]),int(alpha[1]));
        S = (alpha[0], alpha[1]);
        # S = m*S;
        S = point_multiply(m, S);
        x0 = int(S[0])
        decryption = (y2*mod_pow(x0,p-2,p))%p;
        return decryption;
    def main():
        encryption = [];
        arr = [];
        x = int(raw_input("Please enter your number : "));  
        while x > 0 :   
        print 'encryption : ', encryption;
        decryption = 0;
        for a,i in enumerate(encryption) :
            d = decrypt(i);
        print 'decryption : ',decryption;
    a = 0;
    b = 3;
    x = 6917529027641089837;
    p = 36*(x**4)+36*(x**3)+24*(x**2)+6*(x)+1;
    print 'Elliptic Curve : y^2 = x^3 + ', a, 'x + ', b, ' over ';
    print 'Prime : ',p;
    n = 36*(x**4)+36*(x**3)+18*(x**2)+6*(x)+1;
    P = (1,2);
    print 'P (generator point for the elliptic curve, Public parameter) : ', P
    print '<P> = n  (P is having a prime order) : ', n
    m = randint(1,n);
    print 'm (Private key) : ', m
    k = randint(1,n);
    print 'k (Secret Random Number) : ', k;
    Q = point_multiply(m, P)
    print 'Q ( = mP , Public parameter) : ',Q[0],Q[1];
    R = point_multiply(k, Q)
    print 'R (= kQ = kmP): ',R[0],R[1];
    l = point_multiply(k, P)
    print 'l ( = kP, used for point compression): ',l[0],l[1];
    Ответ написан
  • Как избавиться от задержки при передаче данных в arduino через последовательный порт?

    @ogregor Автор вопроса
    арендатор vpn сервера debian
    Как вариант делать инициализацию порта в начале скрипта, а передавать данные уже там где надо, тогда задержек не будет.
    Ответ написан
  • Как в питоне работать с многомерными массивми?

    @ogregor Автор вопроса
    арендатор vpn сервера debian
    Не знаю почему но row.append корректно не срабатывал пришлось сделать row.insert

    #количество итераций (столбцов)
    line = []
    row = []
    nLetters = len(letters)
    nWords = len(dicWords)
    iL = 0
    while iL <= len(letters) - 1:
    iW = 0
    while iW <= len(dicWords) - 1:
    word = dicWords.get(iW)
    er = letters[iL].count(word)
    iW = iW + 1
    #print row[iL]
    line = list()
    iL = iL + 1
    print row
    Ответ написан