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  • Как работать с blade в laravel?

    А как встроить шаблон сюда, если я хочу подгружать шаблон дополнительного меню только на эту страницу, то есть он будет содержать контент и подгруженный шаблон меню.
    {{ __('Личный кабинет') }}
  • Не открывается ссылка в модальном окне?

    @mamedenss Автор вопроса
    Спасибо что направили в нужную сторону, разобрался закоментировав строки
    //  event.preventDefault();
     //   event.stopImmediatePropagation();
  • Не открывается ссылка в модальном окне?

    @mamedenss Автор вопроса
    Вот скрипт
    var Modal = (function() {
      var trigger = $qsa('.modal__trigger'); // what you click to activate the modal
      var modals = $qsa('.modal'); // the entire modal (takes up entire window)
      var modalsbg = $qsa('.modal__bg'); // the entire modal (takes up entire window)
      var content = $qsa('.modal__content'); // the inner content of the modal
    	var closers = $qsa('.modal__close'); // an element used to close the modal
      var w = window;
      var isOpen = false;
    	var contentDelay = 400; // duration after you click the button and wait for the content to show
      var len = trigger.length;
      // make it easier for yourself by not having to type as much to select an element
      function $qsa(el) {
        return document.querySelectorAll(el);
      var getId = function(event) {
        var self = this;
        // get the value of the data-modal attribute from the button
        var modalId = self.dataset.modal;
        var len = modalId.length;
        // remove the '#' from the string
        var modalIdTrimmed = modalId.substring(1, len);
        // select the modal we want to activate
        var modal = document.getElementById(modalIdTrimmed);
        // execute function that creates the temporary expanding div
        makeDiv(self, modal);
      var makeDiv = function(self, modal) {
        var fakediv = document.getElementById('modal__temp');
         * if there isn't a 'fakediv', create one and append it to the button that was
         * clicked. after that execute the function 'moveTrig' which handles the animations.
        if (fakediv === null) {
          var div = document.createElement('div');
          div.id = 'modal__temp';
          moveTrig(self, modal, div);
      var moveTrig = function(trig, modal, div) {
        var trigProps = trig.getBoundingClientRect();
        var m = modal;
        var mProps = m.querySelector('.modal__content').getBoundingClientRect();
        var transX, transY, scaleX, scaleY;
        var xc = w.innerWidth / 2;
        var yc = w.innerHeight / 2;
        // this class increases z-index value so the button goes overtop the other buttons
        // these values are used for scale the temporary div to the same size as the modal
        scaleX = mProps.width / trigProps.width;
        scaleY = mProps.height / trigProps.height;
        scaleX = scaleX.toFixed(3); // round to 3 decimal places
        scaleY = scaleY.toFixed(3);
        // these values are used to move the button to the center of the window
        transX = Math.round(xc - trigProps.left - trigProps.width / 2);
        transY = Math.round(yc - trigProps.top - trigProps.height / 2);
    		// if the modal is aligned to the top then move the button to the center-y of the modal instead of the window
        if (m.classList.contains('modal--align-top')) {
          transY = Math.round(mProps.height / 2 + mProps.top - trigProps.top - trigProps.height / 2);
    		// translate button to center of screen
    		window.setTimeout(function() {
    			window.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
    				open(m, div);
    		}, contentDelay);
      var open = function(m, div) {
        if (!isOpen) {
          // select the content inside the modal
          var content = m.querySelector('.modal__content');
          // reveal the modal
          // reveal the modal content
           * when the modal content is finished transitioning, fadeout the temporary
           * expanding div so when the window resizes it isn't visible ( it doesn't
           * move with the window).
          content.addEventListener('transitionend', hideDiv, false);
          isOpen = true;
        function hideDiv() {
          // fadeout div so that it can't be seen when the window is resized
          div.style.opacity = '0';
          content.removeEventListener('transitionend', hideDiv, false);
      var close = function(event) {
        var target = event.target;
        var div = document.getElementById('modal__temp');
         * make sure the modal__bg or modal__close was clicked, we don't want to be able to click
         * inside the modal and have it close.
        if (isOpen && target.classList.contains('modal__bg') || target.classList.contains('modal__close')) {
          // make the hidden div visible again and remove the transforms so it scales back to its original size
          div.style.opacity = '1';
    			* iterate through the modals and modal contents and triggers to remove their active classes.
          * remove the inline css from the trigger to move it back into its original position.
    			for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    				trigger[i].style.transform = 'none';
            trigger[i].style.webkitTransform = 'none';
          // when the temporary div is opacity:1 again, we want to remove it from the dom
    			div.addEventListener('transitionend', removeDiv, false);
          isOpen = false;
        function removeDiv() {
          setTimeout(function() {
            window.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
              // remove the temp div from the dom with a slight delay so the animation looks good
          }, contentDelay - 50);
      var bindActions = function() {
        for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
          trigger[i].addEventListener('click', getId, false);
          closers[i].addEventListener('click', close, false);
          modalsbg[i].addEventListener('click', close, false);
      var init = function() {
      return {
        init: init