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  • Как за 9 месяцев стать Android Junior Devoleper?

    Part-time developer – full-time geek.
    Боевой набор Android джуна


    App Manifest:
    - Package

    App Components:
    - Activity (Activity Lifecycles, Activity State Changes, Task and Back Stack, Parcelables and Bundles)
    - Service
    - Broadcast Receiver
    - Content Provider
    - Intent (Intent Filters, Explicit Intents, Implicit Intents).

    App Navigation:
    - Fragments (Fragment Lifecycles, Fragment State Changes, Fragment Manager, Fragment Transactions)
    - DialogFragment
    - BottomSheetDialogFragment

    Design Patterns:
    - DI (Dagger)
    - Bind
    - Singleton
    - Builder
    - Factory
    - Observer (Flow, RxJava/RxKotlin, LiveData)
    - Repository
    - SOLID

    Architecture Components:
    - UI Layer (ViewBinding, DataBinding, Lifecycle, ViewModel)
    - Data Layer (Data Store, WorkManager)

    - MVVM
    - MVP
    - MVI
    - MVC
    - Clean Architecture

    - OkHttp (Interceptor)
    - Retrofit
    - REST (JSON API и Gson)

    Local Storage:
    - SQLite (Room)

    - Coroutines
    Будет плюсом: RxJava/RxKotlin и Thread

    User Interface:
    - Layouts (ConstraintLayout, MotionLayout, LinearLayout, FrameLayout, RecycleView)
    - Design Guides (Material.io)
    - Message (Toast, Snackbar, Notification)

    Compose UI:
    - State (MutableState, remember, rememberSaveable)
    - StateHosting
    - Side-effects (LaunchedEffect, DisposableEfffect, SideEffect)
    - Layout (Column, Row, Box, ConstraintLayout)
    - List (LazyColumn, LazyRow, LazyVerticalGrid, LazyPagingitems)
    - Modifier (Modifier Order, Chaining, Composed modifier)
    - Text (TextField, OutlinedTextFiled, ClickableText)
    - Gestures (Scrolling, Dragging, Swiping, Zooming)

    - Google (Google Play Services, Google Maps)
    - Firebase (Authentication, Crashlytics, Remote Config, Cloud Messaging, FireStore, Realtime Database)

    - Стэк
    - Очередь
    - Куча
    - Сборщик мусора

    App Startup

    Материалы для самообразования https://t.me/kotlinscope
    Ответ написан
    1 комментарий
  • Как сделать двоеточие?

    Part-time developer – full-time geek.
    Поставить двоеточие в шаблоне.
    SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' HH:mm:ss z");
    System.out.println("date: " + dateFormat.format( new Date() ) );
    Ответ написан