Your Gemfile lists the gem bcrypt (>= 0) more than once.
You should probably keep only one of them.
While it's not a problem now, it could cause errors if you change the version of one of them later.
[!] There was an error parsing `Gemfile`: You cannot specify the same gem twice coming from different sources.
You specified that bcrypt (>= 0) should come from (at master) and
. Bundler cannot continue.
# from D:/ProjectRuby/trackingCoinsRails/Gemfile:13
# -------------------------------------------
# # Windows does not include zoneinfo files, so bundle the tzinfo-data gem
> gem 'tzinfo-data', platforms: [:mingw, :mswin, :x64_mingw, :jruby]
# source ''
# -------------------------------------------
this.$el.addEventListener('click', e => this.$
document.getElementById( 'miId').click();
Vue.component('myComp', {
template: `
<button @click='onClick' ref='button'>Child</button>
<pre> {{clicks}} </pre>
methods: {
onClick(e) {
mounted() {
this.$el.addEventListener('click', e => this.$
data() { return { clicks: [] }}
new Vue({
el: '#app',
methods: {
onClick(e) {
document.getElementById( 'miId').click();
template: `
<button @click='onClick'>Click child button</button>
<myComp ref='myComp' :id="'miId'" />