PS C:\Windows\system32> get-printer
Name ComputerName Type DriverName PortName Shared Published DeviceType
---- ------------ ---- ---------- -------- ------ --------- ----------
Printer-BADC Local Samsung Universal Prin... WSD-b2a188e9... False False Print
Microsoft XPS Document Writer Local Microsoft XPS Document... PORTPROMPT: False False Print
Microsoft Print to PDF Local Microsoft Print To PDF PORTPROMPT: False False Print
Fax Local Microsoft Shared Fax D... SHRFAX: False False Print
PS C:\Windows\system32> get-printer | where name -match "print"
Name ComputerName Type DriverName PortName Shared Published DeviceType
---- ------------ ---- ---------- -------- ------ --------- ----------
Printer-BADC Local Samsung Universal Prin... WSD-b2a188e9... False False Print
Microsoft Print to PDF Local Microsoft Print To PDF PORTPROMPT: False False Print
PS C:\Windows\system32> get-printer | where name -match "print" | remove-printer
PS C:\Windows\system32> get-printer
Name ComputerName Type DriverName PortName Shared Published DeviceType
---- ------------ ---- ---------- -------- ------ --------- ----------
Microsoft XPS Document Writer Local Microsoft XPS Document... PORTPROMPT: False False Print
Fax Local Microsoft Shared Fax D... SHRFAX: False False Print