В ael максросы не макросы. Вызов "макроса"
что равнозначно в conf Gosub
Значит и в Dial вызываем тот же Gosub
x - Name of the subroutine to execute via Gosub
arg - Arguments for the Gosub routine
Execute via Gosub the routine <x> for the *called* channel before
connecting to the calling channel. Arguments can be specified to the Gosub
using '^' as a delimiter. The Gosub routine can set the variable ${GO
SUB_RESULT} to specify the following actions after the Gosub returns.
ABORT: Hangup both legs of the call.
CONGESTION: Behave as if line congestion was
BUSY: Behave as if a busy signal was encountered.
CONTINUE: Hangup the called party and allow the
calling party to continue dialplan execution at the next priority.
GOTO:[[<context>^]<exten>^]<priority>: Transfer the
call to the specified destination.