using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class Movement : MonoBehaviour
[Header("Скорость движения игрока")]
private float _speedPlayer; // Переменная со ск-тью игрока
[Header("Скорость движения игрока")]
private float _speedRotate; // Переменная со ск-тью поворота игрока
[Header("Сила гравитации")]
private float _forceGravity; // Переменная со ск-тью поворота игрока
[Header("Сила прыжка")]
private float _forceJump; // Переменная со ск-тью поворота игрока
private VariableJoystick _joystickPlayer; // Переменная со ск-тью поворота игрока
private CharacterController _playerController; // Контроллер движений игрока
private bool _isJumpBtnClick; // Нажата ли кнопка прыжка
public bool IsJumpBtnClick // Публичная переменная для управления другими скриптами
get { return _isJumpBtnClick; }
set { _isJumpBtnClick = value; }
private void Start() { // Инициализация
_playerController = gameObject.GetComponent<CharacterController>(); // Присваиваем контроллер игрока в переменную
private void FixedUpdate() { // Метод физических вычислений
_moveFunction(); // Движение
private void _moveFunction() { // Функция движения
float _corX = _joystickPlayer.Horizontal == 0 ? Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") : _joystickPlayer.Horizontal; // Получаем x
float _corZ = _joystickPlayer.Vertical == 0 ? Input.GetAxis("Vertical") : _joystickPlayer.Vertical; // Получаем z
if ( _playerController.isGrounded && (_corX != 0 || _corZ != 0 ) ) { // Если есть изменения
Vector3 _moveDir =; // Нулевой вектор движения
Vector3 _rotateDir =; // Нулевой вектор поворота отн. движения
/* Задаем вектор движения */
_moveDir.x = _corX * _speedPlayer; // Меняем x вектора движения
_moveDir.z = _corZ * _speedPlayer; // Меняем z вектора движения
_moveDir.y = IsJumpBtnClick == true ? _forceJump : _forceGravity; // Меняем y
/* Задем вектор поворота */
_rotateDir.y = _corX; // Задаем поворот по горизонтали
/* Задаем векторы отн. координат игрока */
_moveDir = transform.TransformDirection(_moveDir);
_rotateDir = transform.TransformDirection(_rotateDir);
/* Поворачиваем */
transform.Rotate(_rotateDir * _speedRotate); // Поворачиваем игрока на вектор, для плавности умножаем на скорость
/* Задаем движение */
_playerController.Move(_moveDir * Time.fixedDeltaTime); // Двигаем игрока по вектору, для плавности умножаем на скорость
if (IsJumpBtnClick == true) IsJumpBtnClick = false;
} else
Vector3 _gravDir =;
_gravDir.y = _forceGravity;
_playerController.Move(_gravDir * Time.fixedDeltaTime);
public void OnClickBtnJump () { // Функция кнопки прыжка
IsJumpBtnClick = true; // Нажата кнопка
return users.find(user => === id) || createUser(obj)
<splash v-if="!isSocketConnected"></splash>
style="height: 100%"
<google-cluster v-if="isClustered">
v-for="(m, index) in markers"
<gmap-info-window v-if=" > 0" @click="const text =">{{ text === undefined ? '...' : text }}</gmap-info-window>
<google-marker v-else
v-for="(m, index) in markers"
<gmap-info-window v-if=" > 0">{{ }}</gmap-info-window>
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex';
import Splash from './Splash';
const colors = [ { "featureType": "all", "elementType": "labels.text.fill", "stylers": [ { "saturation": 36 }, { "color": "#000000" }, { "lightness": 40 } ] }, { "featureType": "all", "elementType": "labels.text.stroke", "stylers": [ { "visibility": "on" }, { "color": "#000000" }, { "lightness": 16 } ] }, { "featureType": "all", "elementType": "labels.icon", "stylers": [ { "visibility": "off" } ] }, { "featureType": "administrative", "elementType": "geometry.fill", "stylers": [ { "color": "#000000" }, { "lightness": 20 } ] }, { "featureType": "administrative", "elementType": "geometry.stroke", "stylers": [ { "color": "#000000" }, { "lightness": 17 }, { "weight": 1.2 } ] }, { "featureType": "administrative.locality", "elementType": "all", "stylers": [ { "visibility": "on" } ] }, { "featureType": "administrative.neighborhood", "elementType": "all", "stylers": [ { "visibility": "off" } ] }, { "featureType": "landscape", "elementType": "geometry", "stylers": [ { "color": "#000000" }, { "lightness": 20 } ] }, { "featureType": "poi", "elementType": "geometry", "stylers": [ { "color": "#000000" }, { "lightness": 21 } ] }, { "featureType": "road.highway", "elementType": "all", "stylers": [ { "visibility": "simplified" } ] }, { "featureType": "road.highway", "elementType": "geometry.fill", "stylers": [ { "color": "#000000" }, { "lightness": 17 } ] }, { "featureType": "road.highway", "elementType": "geometry.stroke", "stylers": [ { "color": "#000000" }, { "lightness": 29 }, { "weight": 0.2 } ] }, { "featureType": "road.highway", "elementType": "labels", "stylers": [ { "visibility": "off" } ] }, { "featureType": "road.arterial", "elementType": "geometry", "stylers": [ { "color": "#000000" }, { "lightness": 18 } ] }, { "featureType": "road.local", "elementType": "geometry", "stylers": [ { "color": "#000000" }, { "lightness": 16 } ] }, { "featureType": "transit", "elementType": "geometry", "stylers": [ { "color": "#000000" }, { "lightness": 19 } ] }, { "featureType": "water", "elementType": "geometry", "stylers": [ { "color": "#000000" }, { "lightness": 17 } ] } ];
export default {
data() {
return {
zoom: 5,
center: {
lat: 38,
lng: 34
init: false,
options: {
disableDefaultUI: true,
zoomControl: true,
zoomControlOptions: {
position: 8
streetViewControl: false,
streetViewControlOptions: {
position: 4
scrollwheel: true,
styles: colors
methods: {
zoomChange(event) {
this.zoom = event;
clickMarker(marker) {
this.$store.dispatch('clickMarker', marker);
this.$socket.emit('joinConversation', marker)
try {
this.$f7.views.main.router.load({url: `/conversation/${}`})
} catch (e) {
this.$f7.alert(marker.username, 'Tick')
initMap(position) {
this.$store.dispatch('init', true);
let lat = this.locationBlur ? Number(position.coords.latitude.toFixed(2)) : position.coords.latitude;
let lng = this.locationBlur ? Number(position.coords.longitude.toFixed(2)) : position.coords.longitude;
let myLocation = { lat, lng, username: this.$store.state.user.username, id: this.$ }
if (!this.init) {
console.log('Howdy, u\'re awesome. What a shiny day. Have a good day, be polite.'); = myLocation;
this.zoom = 15;
this.init = true;
// TODO: @cagataycali do it this a function.
.then(res => res.json())
.then(res => {
this.$store.dispatch('setTrends', res)
.catch(err => {
console.log(`Request err ${JSON.stringify(err)}`)
} else {
if (this.$store.state.trends.length === 0) {
.then(res => res.json())
.then(res => {
this.$store.dispatch('setTrends', res)
.catch(err => {
console.log(`Request err ${JSON.stringify(err)}`)
console.log('Wow, you\'re moving buddy.');
this.$store.dispatch('setLocation', myLocation);
this.$socket.emit('myLocation', myLocation);
computed: {
isClustered() {
return this.zoom < 20
created() {
let isMobile = window.isMobile();
this.options.zoomControl = !isMobile;
this.options.streetViewControl = !isMobile;
if (navigator.geolocation) {
(error) => {
if (error.code == error.PERMISSION_DENIED)
this.$f7.alert('Tick require your location information. We promise about your location is blurred by default. You can share your exact location If you want. Please share your location and restart page.', 'Tick')
}, {
enableHighAccuracy: true,
timeout: 5000,
maximumAge: 0
} else {
this.$f7.alert('Geolocation is not supported by this browser.', 'Tick')
components: {
<style media="screen">
.gm-style-iw {
color: #353535
@media screen and (max-width: 500px) {
.gm-style-cc {
display: none;
.gm-style-iw {
color: #353535