Задать вопрос
  • Как сделать слайдер кликабельным?

    @alexPNZ Автор вопроса
    WP_Query Object
        [query] => Array
                [post_type] => post
                [posts_per_page] => 3
                [post_status] => publish
                [order] => desc
                [orderby] => date
                [ignore_sticky_posts] => 1
                [category__in] => Array
                        [0] => 
        [query_vars] => Array
                [post_type] => post
                [posts_per_page] => 3
                [post_status] => publish
                [order] => DESC
                [orderby] => date
                [ignore_sticky_posts] => 1
                [category__in] => Array
                        [0] => 0
                [error] => 
                [m] => 
                [p] => 0
                [post_parent] => 
                [subpost] => 
                [subpost_id] => 
                [attachment] => 
                [attachment_id] => 0
                [name] => 
                [static] => 
                [pagename] => 
                [page_id] => 0
                [second] => 
                [minute] => 
                [hour] => 
                [day] => 0
                [monthnum] => 0
                [year] => 0
                [w] => 0
                [category_name] => 
                [tag] => 
                [cat] => 
                [tag_id] => 
                [author] => 
                [author_name] => 
                [feed] => 
                [tb] => 
                [paged] => 0
                [meta_key] => 
                [meta_value] => 
                [preview] => 
                [s] => 
                [sentence] => 
                [title] => 
                [fields] => 
                [menu_order] => 
                [embed] => 
                [category__not_in] => Array
                [category__and] => Array
                [post__in] => Array
                [post__not_in] => Array
                [post_name__in] => Array
                [tag__in] => Array
                [tag__not_in] => Array
                [tag__and] => Array
                [tag_slug__in] => Array
                [tag_slug__and] => Array
                [post_parent__in] => Array
                [post_parent__not_in] => Array
                [author__in] => Array
                [author__not_in] => Array
                [suppress_filters] => 
                [cache_results] => 1
                [update_post_term_cache] => 1
                [lazy_load_term_meta] => 1
                [update_post_meta_cache] => 1
                [nopaging] => 
                [comments_per_page] => 50
                [no_found_rows] => 
        [tax_query] => WP_Tax_Query Object
                [queries] => Array
                        [0] => Array
                                [taxonomy] => category
                                [terms] => Array
                                        [0] => 0
                                [field] => term_id
                                [operator] => IN
                                [include_children] => 
                [relation] => AND
                [table_aliases:protected] => Array
                [queried_terms] => Array
                        [category] => Array
                                [terms] => Array
                                        [0] => 0
                                [field] => term_id
                [primary_table] => wp_posts
                [primary_id_column] => ID
        [meta_query] => WP_Meta_Query Object
                [queries] => Array
                [relation] => 
                [meta_table] => 
                [meta_id_column] => 
                [primary_table] => 
                [primary_id_column] => 
                [table_aliases:protected] => Array
                [clauses:protected] => Array
                [has_or_relation:protected] => 
        [date_query] => 
        [request] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS  wp_posts.ID FROM wp_posts  WHERE 1=1  AND ( 
      0 = 1
    ) AND wp_posts.post_type = 'post' AND ((wp_posts.post_status = 'publish')) GROUP BY wp_posts.ID ORDER BY wp_posts.post_date DESC LIMIT 0, 3
        [posts] => Array
        [post_count] => 0
        [current_post] => -1
        [in_the_loop] => 
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        [current_comment] => -1
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        [is_single] => 
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        [is_year] => 
        [is_month] => 
        [is_day] => 
        [is_time] => 
        [is_author] => 
        [is_category] => 1
        [is_tag] => 
        [is_tax] => 
        [is_search] => 
        [is_feed] => 
        [is_comment_feed] => 
        [is_trackback] => 
        [is_home] => 
        [is_404] => 
        [is_embed] => 
        [is_paged] => 
        [is_admin] => 
        [is_attachment] => 
        [is_singular] => 
        [is_robots] => 
        [is_posts_page] => 
        [is_post_type_archive] => 
        [query_vars_hash:WP_Query:private] => 85a4b0e7eef264bad73ff94f91b97a80
        [query_vars_changed:WP_Query:private] => 
        [thumbnails_cached] => 
        [stopwords:WP_Query:private] => 
        [compat_fields:WP_Query:private] => Array
                [0] => query_vars_hash
                [1] => query_vars_changed
        [compat_methods:WP_Query:private] => Array
                [0] => init_query_flags
                [1] => parse_tax_query

    Теперь это на стринице вместо слайдера
  • Как сделать слайдер кликабельным?

    @alexPNZ Автор вопроса
    Максим Тимофеев: сюда не поместилось что то, я ниже отписал
  • Как сделать слайдер кликабельным?

    @alexPNZ Автор вопроса
    <?php the_title(); ?>
    <?php remove_filter ('the_content', 'wpautop'); ?>
    <?php the_content(__('Read more','fortune')); ?>