$lcp_thumbnail = '';
$lcp_thumbnail .= get_the_post_thumbna...';
} else {
// if thumbnail is requested but not found as featured image, grab first image in the content of the post
if ( ($force_thumbnail === 'yes'|| $force_thumbnail === 'true') && preg_match('~]*src\s?=\s?[\'"]([^\'"]*)~i',get_the_content(), $imgMatches)) {
$lcp_thumbnail = '';
$lcp_thumbnail .= '
if ( $...';
} else {
# Check for a YouTube video thumbnail
$lcp_thumbnail = $this->check_youtube_thumbnail($single->content);
return $lcp_thumbnail;
Александр Соболев,
В таком случае выводит класс "Array"
вот так записал
$lcp_thumbnail .= get_the_post_thumbnail(
'alt' => esc_attr($single->post_title),
// If we have a class use it, otherwise use default
'class' => get_the_category($single->ID)
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