public class Checker {
const double _stdDelta = 10.0d;
Dictionary<string, DateTime> _dictionary = new Dictionary<string, DateTime>();
bool check( string input, double? delta = null ) {
if ( !_dictionary.ContainsKey( input ) ) {
_dictionary.Add( input, DateTime.Now );
return true;
var d = delta.HasValue ? delta.Value : _stdDelta;
if ( ( DateTime.Now - _dictionary[input] ).TotalSeconds > d ) {
_dictionary[input] = DateTime.Now;
return true;
return false;
public void CheckConditionByIfs( int condition ) {
if ( condition > 100 && check( "second_condition", 20.0d ) ) {
Console.WriteLine( "Second_condition met, custom timeout set." );
} else if ( condition > 20 && check( "first_condition" ) ) {
Console.WriteLine( "First_condition met, standard timeout set." );
} else {
Console.WriteLine( "Nothing." );
public void CheckConditionBySwitch( int condition ) {
switch ( condition ) {
case var _ when condition > 100 && check( "second_condition", 20.0d ):
Console.WriteLine( "Second_condition met, custom timeout set." );
case var _ when condition > 20 && check( "first_condition" ):
Console.WriteLine( "First_condition met, standard timeout set." );
Console.WriteLine( "Nothing." );
var rnd = new Random();
var values = new int[] { 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 100, 150, 200 };
var c = new Checker();
int cnd;
while ( true ) {
cnd = values[rnd.Next( values.Length )];
Console.WriteLine( cnd );
if ( rnd.Next( 100 ) > 50 )
c.CheckConditionBySwitch( cnd );
c.CheckConditionByIfs( cnd );
Thread.Sleep( 1500 );
Необходимо чтобы при инициализации объекта (т.е. вызове конструктора) метод проверял сумму этих переменных и либо по новой запрашивал значения либо прерывал с ошибкой.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Toster.Q561594 {
public static class Extentions {
public static string Join<T>( this IEnumerable<T> list, string separator = "," )
=> string.Join( separator, list );
public static int[] ConvertConsoleInput( this string input, params char[] separators )
=> input.Split( separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries )
.Select( int.Parse )
public class Triangle {
public readonly int A;
public readonly int B;
public readonly int Y;
public Triangle(int a, int b, int y) {
A = a; B = b; Y = y;
public static bool IsValidAngles( int a, int b, int y )
=> a > 0 && b > 0 && y > 0 && ( a + b + y ) == 180;
public override string ToString()
=> $"( {nameof( A )}: {A}, {nameof( B )}: {B}, {nameof( Y )}: {Y} )";
class Program {
static void Main( string[] args ) {
int[] temp;
while ( true ) {
Console.Write( "Enter three valid space separated angles and press Enter: " );
try {
temp = Console.ReadLine().ConvertConsoleInput( ' ' );
if ( temp.Length != 3 )
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException($"Incorrect number of angles: {temp.Length}");
if ( Triangle.IsValidAngles( temp[0], temp[1], temp[2] ) )
throw new InvalidOperationException( $"Incorrect angles: ( {temp.Join( ", " )} )" );
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
Console.WriteLine( "Error. " + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine );
var triangle = new Triangle( temp[0], temp[1], temp[2] );
Console.WriteLine( $"Valid triangle object was created: {triangle.ToString()}" );
Enter three valid space separated angles and press Enter: i'm typing
Error. Input string was not in a correct format.
Enter three valid space separated angles and press Enter: 1 2 3
Error. Incorrect angles: ( 1, 2, 3 )
Enter three valid space separated angles and press Enter: 100 10000
Error. Incorrect number of angles: 2
Enter three valid space separated angles and press Enter: 5 100 75
Valid triangle object was created: ( A: 5, B: 100, Y: 75 )
public class SimpleSystemStack<T> where T : struct, IConvertible {
private readonly int _sizeOfOneElement;
private T[] _array;
public SimpleSystemStack( int sizeOfOneElement, T[] inputArray = null ) {
_sizeOfOneElement = sizeOfOneElement;
if ( inputArray?.Length > 0 ) {
Length = inputArray.Length;
_array = inputArray;
} else {
Length = 0;
_array = new T[sizeOfOneElement];
public int Length { get; private set; }
public T Pop() {
if ( Length > 0 ) {
return _array[Length];
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Stack is Empty.");
public void Push( T element ) {
if ( Length >= int.MaxValue )
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Stack overflow.");
if ( Length >= _array.Length ) {
var temp = new T[_array.Length * 2];
Buffer.BlockCopy( _array, 0, temp, 0, Length * _sizeOfOneElement );
_array = temp;
_array[Length] = element;
var sss = new SimpleSystemStack<int>( sizeof( int ) );
sss.Push( 1 );
sss.Push( 2 );
sss.Push( 3 );
sss.Push( 4 );