• Как определить тип функции для шаблона?

    Thanks, I did find your approach the most convincing and, if you will, correct, with spirit and aim of templates. However, the questions I have asked were the same, that stopped me from writing the code itself in the fist place, and instead share some general directions to approach in one of the earlier comments.
    Will review what's left to imagination to fill the picture at some later point.
    If anyone gets ahead of me, mucha gracias.
  • Как определить тип функции для шаблона?

    Will this code, potentially, need "toString()" override ( for T)?
  • Как определить тип функции для шаблона?

    ну, так ил иначе, options have to be limited to specific type.
    Вопрос, когда эти самые options get limited.
    И поскольку и C и T заданы в декларации, мы не отступаем от наших, если позволите, принципов :)
  • Как определить тип функции для шаблона?

    I can understand the motivation
    But what I can't understand is type inference logic
    In theory template flow is from declaration ( when type resolution is imminent ) -> through parameters ( in diamond brackets <> ) -> hydrate types of the library. In which case it makes sense to add parameter to implementation class, in your example, Test, like this Test<T> and extend template with T type for the property data type.
    May be this is "too" obvious and I am getting in a carefully setup trap, but I am curious to find out :)
    Correct me if I am wrong, but I have a feeling that you would like to infuse template with something like "inversion - of - control - template - reflection" function, where library would get informed, at the time of implementation of what type it is dealing with to implement some ( potentially conditional ) logic. But this isn't really an template purpose, even if something like this ever featured. Usually template code, if type inference gets involved, encapsulates its "common" application to some very high level abstraction, such as constructor and destructor, which can handle pretty much type independent beings, while passing actual implementation to some "implementation" feature, which is resolved through type, once again, designated at declaration time.
    If my understanding is correct, your intent is to reverse the acyclic graph of compiled tree and get/extend a handler, to get an origin point for injection of some functionality, which could ( if it worked ) get into any assignment / variable reading operation, either as a feature, or, as instrumentation.
  • Redis vs Elasticsearch vs Sphinx для хранения данных и поиск по ним?

    И как это сочетается с требованием №1
    Хранение данных каталога с быстрым доступом
    Solr это индекс текста для поиска NLP или похожего, так же на Lucene.
    Хранилище данных + быстрый доступ + индексация и быстрый поиск по контексту, это три противоречивых требования, которые пока не выполнил ни один производитель ПО в полном объеме.
    Вопрос, которым из 7 требований озвученных в вопросе можно пожертвовать? :)))
  • Может ли кэшироваться данные в EF Core?

    Василий Банников,
    И что там на счёт Task.Run?
    Вполне возможно, что у тебя одновременно отрабатывает и сохранение и выгрузка.

    One can easily test it by running same request 2nd time, after a bit of wait, when all database queries finished. In this second attempt he should see the change.
    I was assuming the author of the question tried a few times, before coming to conclusion that the issue isn't concurrent access, but caching ( buffering ) of data on the front - end.
    Besides, EF buffering ( if you dig into theoretical side of platform ) is an expression of IQueriable, which has caching defined as part of standard implementation, as opposed to IEnumerable, which requires hard reading of values from the media for each request.
  • Может ли кэшироваться данные в EF Core?

    Василий Банников,
    for security reasons I cannot install russian locale on this computer.
    So, I have to enter russian text using Yandex keyboard, a mouse click per letter, which isn't really working for most of posts. But in some cases, depending on context, I feel obligated to answer in Russian, particularly when I feel vis-a-vis isn't really tolerant of english.
    I try to be nice to people I speak to. But I have to think for myself, too.
    In the end I am trying to help.
    If you feel english isn't working, I will stop.
    If english is acceptable ( I will learn from your future answer, just under supposition ) I try to write very concise english, very clear, as close to impeccable as I can, in the hope it would teach my vis-a-vis ways to read and express things in English.
    In the end, pity it is, for the moment we don't have Russian speaking code. All of our code is English to some extent. So, I don't feel I am veering too far from the mark.
    It would be very nice, speaking of the future, to have Russian environment, including cyrillic based vocabulary and semantical programming interface, end - to - end.
    I'd work on it, if we start project like that.
    If I may suggest, this post is grossly off top for the question asked. So, if moderators could move it to something like "off top answers" and provide link, for the future discussion, it would be very nice.
  • Может ли кэшироваться данные в EF Core?

    Here is the answer
    There is a reference to this blog post
    Entity Framework Cache Busting
    The DbContext in Entity Framework 6 automatically caches data that it retrieves from your database. This is useful, but sometimes data changes outside your context (perhaps by another user) and you end up with stale data.

    In my personal experience all of the above, plus whatever is in the blog, is a poor's man patch from водка и подорожник.
    One should strive, as much as possible, to extend DBContext with methods and call in those stored procedures, where concurrent access to data is accounted for using
    1 Query design
    2 Transaction Isolation Level
    3 Tuning options at all levels, including, query, database and server instance
    Entities solve a lot of troubles, so, you don't have to code every POCO. The framework simplifies for developer data layer and magically extracts it from some foreign "database engine" into the application, as an opaque architecture, from which one can design entire application.
    But beyond it, data access via some scaffolding based code, is utter nonsense.
    I just can't believe, that someone with Russian Computer Science or Math University diploma would ask questions like this.
    It's unbelievable!
  • Как в Selenium Java обойти UnhandledAlertException?


    замечательная статья, спасибо.
    Если Вы не против пожалуйста скопируйте комментарий в собственный ответ на собственный вопрос, и примите его, как ответ.

  • Как установить сертификат ssl для .net api?

    Not sure regarding 6.0, but earlier WebAPI had some limits on mutual SSL authentication. In case it comes useful: https://blogs.iis.net/danielvl/how-to-allow-self-s...
  • Как в Selenium Java обойти UnhandledAlertException?

    не поделитесь деталями по AutoIt?
    я может сам и дотёпаю, но многим здесь на форуме без вашей помощи не справиться, уж поделитесь, если будет время и настроение. очень рад, что у Вас все хорошо!
  • Как обстоят дела с модулями C++20 и Inline оптимизацией?

    I apologies, I wasn't prepare to this degree of scrutiny of words.
    It really is somewhat deciphering document you have shared.
    The document, its scope, is directed at terms and meaning of each term.
    What @Dollarum is proposing slices across domain of this word stream.
    He is basically applying the verbatim of the document to specific use case.
    This use case isn't in the document.
    So, we have two choices.
    1. send request to United Nations ( as a figure of speech ) and wait until they down unto us with "строго однозначное понимание термина", which in human words is a rare commodity, and really, never ever happens, no pun intended, but a succinct summary of practice.
    2. try to turn to "many meaning" and slowly narrow those down and agree on what we find out, following our own humble devices. Or, in simple terms, a constructive way to understand what we are dealing with.
    It would be really - really nice if you proposed your own interpretation. I personally would be delighted to read it :)
    This isn't first discussion of this sort I am seeing. The previous one has occurred about 15 years ago, and since time has passed enough to pull even official seal of secrecy, I will make a call on this informal FOYA and describe similar research in meaning of words.
    And engineer working at Microsoft fielded a question, regarding handling hardware exception in the event of communication link failure between an application and an database.
    He had received an extremely qualified response from a Russian engineer, apparently working at Intel, with reference to specific hardware register and error code number, to look for, when handling such an exception, that was apparently causing significant trouble to product's driver ( Microsoft SQL Server ).
    This discussion ensued at expert-exchange.com site, similarly facilitating exchange of knowledge between engineers.
    In the end the engineer, who received support never ever acknowledged significant help and contribution of his vis-a-vis, however, it had significant impact on product quality improvement.
    My proposal, we should be better than that engineer :)
  • Как решить 22 задание ЕГЭ по информатике?

    рискуя навлечь на себя гнев многих людей, хотел напомнить, что подобные форумы, и вообще любые формы решений экзаменационных задач, кроме как личным старанием ученика, являются нарушением морально этического кода.
    Пожалуйста, старайтесь решать сами.
  • Как обстоят дела с модулями C++20 и Inline оптимизацией?

    Евгений Шатунов,
    по идее в документе, который Вы указали, как авторитетный источник, его суть сводится к тому, что inline это translation unit bound semantical flag.
    То есть похоже, что Dolarun прав.
    Поскольку ( если мыслить логически ) линкер не имеет права на inference, только транслятор.
    Не путать с распараллеливанием процедур. Матричные оптимизации, развертка, происходит в памяти процессора ( что так же возможно требует переосмысления, ибо не очевидно ).
  • Как в Selenium Java обойти UnhandledAlertException?

    I wonder if the issue is in catch. One thing that did chance, based on your description, is you no longer getting unhandled exception.
    It can be useful to standup another attempt to login, in case "hanging" behavior was due to some kind of seldom/one off condition.
    Changing focus a bit, here is similar question in Stack Overflow
    See if it provides any help.
    Also, rather than going for a stack trace, I'd use println (t.getMessage());
    and put another println("past catch") right after the catch.
    Running these few lines in debugger is even better. Usually in debugger there is command window or some other way to find how to explore elements in the driver, though you did say it's not producing anything in initial description, you still have browser's development tools ( F12 ) to inspect the page and find how to identify elements.
    Sometimes elements are obstructed due to SSL ( https ) protocol, in which case it can be useful to ask developer or ops team to open access on port 80 ( http ) to train testing scripts, once scripts works, even if elements obscured by means of https connection, the script will still be working.
  • Как в Selenium Java обойти UnhandledAlertException?

    what does the error looks like? Or it is missing to catch exception ( just in case )
  • Есть ли разница в экране realme 9 pro+ и samsung s21+?

    все мы со своими предпочтениями
    у всех моих сотрудников золотые айфоны с золотыми ай часами
    а у меня до последнего момента была старенькая моторола за 50 уе или ниже, и я был счастлив
  • Соблюдается ли очередь данных при нескольких bulk-insert операциях?

    Василий Банников,
    А Вы попробуйте, вместо того, чтобы возражать.
    Всегда есть что то новое :)
    Всего доброго
  • Соблюдается ли очередь данных при нескольких bulk-insert операциях?

    Уточнение, не по существу вопроса
    Порядок данных при выборке никогда не гарантируется.

    В присутствии линейного индекса, нумерация хранимая в записях сохраняется при выборке.