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  • Как запустить csscomb.js ?

    @KIrill_Tkachev Автор вопроса
    Всё решилось благодаря переустановки заново всех компонентов, по данному гайду:

    1. Install nodejs on Ubuntu:

    Open terminal and run this:

    sudo apt-get install nodejs
    sudo apt-get install npm
    sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy

    Verify that nodejs is installed correctly by running:

    node --version
    npm --version

    If you don't see nodejs and npm vesion numbers (v0.10.25 and 1.3.24 respectively), something went wrong with the installation. Post the message from your terminal and so that we can have a look.
    2. Install the csscomb itself globally

    npm install csscomb -g


    csscomb --version

    Again, you should see csscomb version number (currently 3.0.0). Let us know if something went wrong here.
    3. Install CSSComb Sublime Package

    I assume you have Sublime Package Control installed. Open Sublime Text 3, and press Ctrl + Shift + P. Type install package and press enter. Then type CSSComb and press enter again. CSSComb package should be installed now.

    Open any css file, select a few lines and press Ctrl + Shift + C to comb it.
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