• Почему searchd (sphinx 3.0.3) не видит конфига?

    Sorry, no Russian keyboard, but you will get it. Here is the solution in more detail:

    ./searchd --stop
    while you are in /bin folder


    you have to create /usr/local/sphinx/var/data and /usr/local/sphinx/var/log folders on sphinx 3 and not start searchd before indexes created with indexer --all setting. Once all indexes are created - searchd can be started otherwise it will continue saying:

    The searchd cannot see sphinx.conf .
    no config file, using 'sphinxdata' folder.
    No config file, using 'sphinxdata' folder.
    Both sphinxdata and config file 'sphinxdata/spinx.conf' exists. Using 'sphinxdata' folder.

    And another difference from old Sphinx is- you have to start and to stop it by providing config file path, not only for indexing. If you do not provide - it creates sphinxdata folder and you have to stop it without config ten, delete that sphinxdata folder and start correctly to avoid incorrect setup.

    RUN such for start/stop:

    ./searchd --config /usr/local/sphinx/etc/sphinx.conf

    ./searchd --stop --config /usr/local/sphinx/etc/sphinx.conf

    The same with indexer - provide a full path to config!