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  • В каком файле хрянятся сессии Opera в Ubuntu?

    @ClimberAM Автор вопроса
    * Проблема частично решена. Ответ внизу.

    При попытке запустить из терминала пишет это:

    alex@alex:~$ opera
    [21912:21912:0121/153229.772176:ERROR:process_singleton_posix.cc(353)] The profile appears to be in use by another Opera process (2573) on another computer (ointment). Opera has locked the profile so that it doesn't get corrupted. If you are sure no other processes are using this profile, you can unlock the profile and relaunch Opera.
    [21912:21912:0121/153229.772373:ERROR:message_box_dialog.cc(154)] Unable to show a dialog outside the UI thread message loop: Opera - The profile appears to be in use by another Opera process (2573) on another computer (ointment). Opera has locked the profile so that it doesn't get corrupted. If you are sure no other processes are using this profile, you can unlock the profile and relaunch Opera.
    alex@lassos:~$ [21919:21919:0100/000000.783928:ERROR:zygote_linux.cc(662)] write: Broken pipe (32)cess (2573) on another computer (ointment). Opera has locked the profile so that it doesn't get corrupted. If you are sure no other processes are using this profile, you can unlock the profile and relaunch Opera.
    [21912:21912:0121/153229.772373:ERROR:message_box_dialog.cc(154)] Unable to show a dialog outside the UI thread message loop: Opera - The profile appears to be in use by another Opera process (2573) on another computer (ointment). Opera has locked the profile so that it doesn't get corrupted. If you are sure no other processes are using this profile, you can unlock the profile and relaunch Opera.
    alex@alex:~$ [21919:21919:0100/000000.783928:ERROR:zygote_linux.cc(662)] write: Broken pipe (32)


    Проблема частично решена: при аварийной перезагрузке был поврежден файл /home/alex/.config/opera SingletonLock

    Нашёл последовательным удалением файлов, созданных перед крэшем. Opera грузится, но потеряны сессии и воркплейсы. Хистори осталась, но не вся.

    Вот так... А ведь хотел поставить сейшн менеджер и ... всё откладывал... Сам виноват...