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postmap hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
postfix/smtp: SASL authentication failed; server smtp.gmail.com
preg_replace('/[^А-Яа-я0-9 ,.]+/u', '', $st);
yum check-update
*) Bugfix: in the "proxy_pass", "fastcgi_pass", "scgi_pass", and "uwsgi_pass" directives when using variables.
14 822 DNAT tcp -- * * айпи.сервера.x.xx tcp dpts:6601:6612 to:
<?php foreach ( glob( 'http://site.ru/includes/*.{php, css}', GLOB_BRACE ) as $file ) { if ( !in_array($file, ['custom.php', 'custom.css'] ) ) { include_once $file; } } ?>
git fetch
preg_match_all('/без завтрака/u', 'Утро без завтрака', $matched);
> file 2>&1
apt-get install openssh-server