• Открывать документы через cmd в редакторе Sublime Text 2

    Возник такой же вопрос, нашел такой ответ:
    1. Add the Sublime directory to the windows PATH
    2. I think 'subl' is a Mac-only command. For Windows it's 'sublime_text'

    To add Sublime to the PATH:
    1. Right click Computer -> Properties -> Advanced System Settings -> Environment Variable
    2. Under 'System Variables' select variable: Path and hit 'Edit'.
    3. At the end of the 'Variable value' text field, add a semicolon and enter the Sublime Text directory (for me it was 'C:\Sublime Text 2\' but the default is C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 2\)
    4. OK, OK, OK
    and then just rename the sublime_text.exe to subl.exe and you will be ready to go
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