Почему не работает подобная форма регистрации?
HTML часть
PHP часть
if( isset( $custID ) && ( $custID == 0 ) ){
$smarty->assign( 'email', $authData['email'] );
if( !isset( $authData['email'] ) )
$authData['email'] = '';
$smarty->assign( 'email', $authData['email'] );
$smarty->assign( 'openID', $authData['uid'] );
$smarty->assign( 'first_name', $authData['first_name'] );
$smarty->assign( 'last_name', $authData['last_name'] );
$smarty->assign( "provider", $authData['network'] );
$smarty->assign( "city", $authData['city'] );
$smarty->assign( "country", $authData['country'] );
$smarty->assign( "main_content_template", "reguser.tpl.html" );
if( isset( $_POST["cust_register"] ) || isset( $_GET["cust_register"] ) ){
$smarty->assign( "main_content_template", "reguser.tpl.html" );
} elseif( isset( $_POST["customer_register"] ) ){
if( ( !isset( $_POST["password"] ) or !isset( $_POST["password2"] ) or ( $_POST["password"] != $_POST["password2"] ) ) and !isset( $_POST["openID"] ) ){
$smarty->assign( "main_content_template", "reguser.tpl.html" );
} elseif( !isset( $_POST["captcha"] ) or ( $_POST["captcha"] != $_SESSION["captcha"] ) ){
$smarty->assign( "openID", $_POST['openID'] );
$smarty->assign( "error", "Невверно введен зашитный код" );
$smarty->assign( "main_content_template", "reguser.tpl.html" );
} else{
//check if such email already exists
$email = validate_form_string( $_POST["email"] );
$row = db_r( "SELECT count(custID) FROM " . CUST_TABLE . " WHERE cust_email=" .int_text($email) );
if( $row > 0 ) // customer email already exists
$smarty->assign( 'email', validate_form_string( $_POST["email"] ) );
$smarty->assign( 'first_name', validate_form_string( $_POST["first_name"] ) );
$smarty->assign( 'last_name', validate_form_string( $_POST["last_name"] ) );
$smarty->assign( 'phone', validate_form_string( $_POST["phone"] ) );
$smarty->assign( 'city', validate_form_string( $_POST["city"] ) );
$smarty->assign( 'address', validate_form_string( $_POST["address"] ) );
$smarty->assign( 'zip', validate_form_string( $_POST["zip"] ) );
$smarty->assign( 'country', validate_form_string( $_POST["country"] ) );
$smarty->assign( 'email_already_exists', 'yes' );
$smarty->assign( "main_content_template", "reguser.tpl.html" );
} else{
//insert new customer into database
$newuser['cust_phone'] = $_POST["phone"];
$newuser['cust_email'] = $_POST["email"];
$newuser['cust_firstname'] = $_POST["first_name"];
$newuser['cust_lastname'] = $_POST["last_name"];
$newuser['cust_city'] = $_POST["city"];
$newuser['cust_address'] = $_POST["address"];
$newuser['cust_zip'] = (int)$_POST["zip"];
$newuser['cust_country'] = $_POST["country"];
$newuser['cust_password'] = md5( $_POST["password"] );
if( isset( $_POST["openID"] ) ){
$newuser['openID'] = ( $_POST["openID"] );
$newuser['provider'] = ( $_POST["provider"] );
add_field( CUST_TABLE, $newuser );
$cid = db_insert_id(); //customer ID
$_SESSION['cust_id'] = $cid;
$_SESSION['cust_login'] = "yes";
setcookie( "cust_id", $cid, time() + 7889400 ); //3 monthes
$sql = "SELECT * FROM " . CUST_TABLE . " WHERE custID='" . $cid . "'";
$r = db_assoc( $sql );
unset( $r['custID'], $r['openID'], $r['cust_password'], $r['provider'] );
$_SESSION['userinf'] = $r;
//assign registration data to smarty
$smarty_mail->assign( "email", $_POST["email"] );
$smarty_mail->assign( "password", $_POST["password"] );
$smarty_mail->assign( "phone", $_POST["phone"] );
$smarty_mail->assign( "order_custname", $_POST["first_name"] . " " . $_POST["last_name"] );
$smarty_mail->assign( "order_shipping_address", "г." . $city . "\n" . $address ); //."\nг.".." ".$_POST["state"]." ".$_POST["zip"]."\n".$_POST["country"]
//send message to customer
$file_name = ROOT_DIR . "/css/css_" . CONF_COLOR_SCHEME . "/image/mail_logo.jpg";
$To = "=?" . DEFAULT_CHARSET . "?B?" . base64_encode( $first_nam . " " . $last_name ) . "?=<" . $_POST["email"] . ">";
$Subject = "=?" . DEFAULT_CHARSET . "?B?" . base64_encode( $NOTIFICATION_SUBJECT ) . "?=";
$From = "=?" . DEFAULT_CHARSET . "?B?" . base64_encode( $SHOP_NAME ) . "?=<" . CONF_GENERAL_EMAIL . ">";
$bound = "message-bound";
$headers = "From: " . $From . "\n";
$headers .= "Return-path: <" . CONF_GENERAL_EMAIL . ">" . "\n";
$headers .= "Mime-Version: 1.0n" . "\n";
$headers .= "Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary=" . '"' . $bound . '"' . "\n";
$html_body = $smarty_mail->fetch( "register_notification.tpl.html" );
if( DB_CHARSET != 'cp1251' )
$html_body = win2utf( $html_body );
$body = "--$bound\n";
$body .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=\"" . DEFAULT_CHARSET . "\"\n";
$body .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n\n";
$body .= $html_body;
$body .= "\n\n--$bound\n";
$body .= "Content-Type: image/jpeg; name=\"" . basename( $file_name ) . "\"\n";
$body .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding:base64\n";
$body .= "Content-ID: <mail_img_1>\n\n";
$f = fopen( $file_name, "rb" );
$body .= base64_encode( fread( $f, filesize( $file_name ) ) ) . "\n";
$body .= "--$bound--\n\n";
mail( $To, $Subject, $body, $headers );
header( "Location: http://" . CONF_SHOP_URL . "/cart/" );