#BMI calculation software
from colorama import init, Fore, Back, Style
print(Back.GREEN + "Hi there, welcome to BMI calculation software!")
weight = floot(input("What's your weight?: "))
height = floot(input("And what's your heigh?: "))
bmi = float("{0:.2f}".format(weight / ((height / 100) * (height / 100)))
print(Back.RESET + "Your current BMI is " + str(bmi))
if( bmi<= 16 ):
print(Back.RED + "(High body mass deficit", end = '')
if( bmi >= 16 and bmi <= 18.5 ):
print(Back.YELLOW + "(Insufficient body weight", end = '')
if( bmi >= 18.5 and bmi <= 25 ):
print(Back.GREEN + "(Your weight is OK", end = '')
if( bmi >= 25 and bmi <= 30):
print(Back.YELLOW + "(Excess body weight", end = '')
if( bmi >= 30 and bmi <= 35 ):
print(Back.RED + "(Obesity of the 1 degree", end = '')
if( bmi >= 35 and bmi <= 40 ):
print(Back.RED + "(Obesity of the 2 degree", end = '')
if( bmi > 40 ):
print(Back.RED + "(Obesity of the 3 degree (morbid)", end = '')
print(")", end = '')