Как добавить в этот PHP код работу через socks5?
* Observium
* This file is part of Observium.
* @package observium
* @subpackage alerting
* @copyright (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2019 Observium Limited
$message['text'] = simple_template($endpoint['contact_method'] . '_text', $message_tags, array('is_file' => TRUE));
$url = 'https://api.telegram.org/bot' . $endpoint['bot_hash'] . '/sendMessage';
// POST Data
$postdata = http_build_query(
"chat_id" => $endpoint['recipient'],
"disable_web_page_preview" => 'true', // Disables link previews for links in message
"text" => $message['text'])
$context_data = array(
'method' => 'POST',
'content' => $postdata
// Send out API call and parse response into an associative array
$response = get_http_request($url, $context_data);
$notify_status['success'] = FALSE;
if ($response !== FALSE)
$response = json_decode($response, TRUE);
if (isset($response['ok']) && $response['ok'] == TRUE) { $notify_status['success'] = TRUE; }
unset($url, $send, $message, $response, $postdata, $context_data);
// EOF