.model tiny
org 100h
start:jmp load
ASCIInullcolumn db 30h
outchar db ?
cursor db ?
mov cursor, 0
mode db ?
doubledot db 3Ah
old dd 0
setMode proc near
mov ah, 0Fh
int 10h
mov mode,al
mov ah,00h
mov al,3
int 10h
setMode endp
setCursor proc
;set cursor
mov ah, 02h
mov bh,0
mov dh,0
mov dl,cursor;êîëóìí
int 10h
setCursor endp
showChar proc
mov ah,0Ah
mov al, outchar
mov bh,0
mov cx,1
int 10h
showChar endp
showTime proc
mov cursor,0
call setMode
call setCursor
mov ah,02h
int 1ah
;dh - ñåêóíäû
;ch - ÷àñû
;cl - ìèíóòû
push dx
push cx
mov bl, 10h;äåëèòåëü
mov al, ch;äåëèìîå
mov ah,0
div bl
;push ax
;mov al,ah
add al, ASCIInullcolumn
add ah, ASCIInullcolumn
mov outchar,al
call showChar
add cursor,1
call setCursor
mov outchar,ah
call showChar
mov outchar, 3Ah
inc cursor
call setCursor
call showChar
inc cursor
call setCursor
pop ax
mov ah, 0h
mov bl,10h
div bl
add al, ASCIInullcolumn
add ah, ASCIInullcolumn
mov outchar,al
call showChar
add cursor,1
call setCursor
mov outchar,ah
call showChar
mov outchar, 3Ah
inc cursor
call setCursor
call showChar
inc cursor
call setCursor
mov al,dh
mov ah, 0h
mov bl,10h
div bl
add al, ASCIInullcolumn
add ah, ASCIInullcolumn
mov outchar,al
call showChar
add cursor,1
call setCursor
mov outchar,ah
call showChar
showTime endp
handler proc near
call cs:old
push ds
push es
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push di
push cs
pop ds
call showTime
pop di
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
pop es
pop ds
handler endp
load:mov ax, 354Ah;35 - number of function, 4A - number of interrupt
int 21h
;1 вариант
mov ah,02h
int 1Ah
inc cl,01h
mov ah,06h
int 1Ah;
;2 вариант
;mov ch,00h
;mov cl,01h
;mov dh,0;
;mov ah,06h
;int 1Ah;
mov word ptr old, bx
mov word ptr old+2,es
mov ax,254Ah
mov dx,offset handler
int 21h
mov ax,3100h
mov dx,(end_handler-start+10Fh)/16
int 21h
end start