На голом железе придётся использовать порты
MOV DX, 2000 ; Number of times to repeat whole routine.
MOV BX, 1 ; Frequency value.
MOV AL, 10110110B ; The Magic Number (use this binary number only)
OUT 43H, AL ; Send it to the initializing port 43H Timer 2.
NEXT_FREQUENCY: ; This is were we will jump back to 2000 times.
MOV AX, BX ; Move our Frequency value into AX.
OUT 42H, AL ; Send LSB to port 42H.
MOV AL, AH ; Move MSB into AL
OUT 42H, AL ; Send MSB to port 42H.
IN AL, 61H ; Get current value of port 61H.
OR AL, 00000011B ; OR AL to this value, forcing first two bits high.
OUT 61H, AL ; Copy it to port 61H of the PPI Chip
; to turn ON the speaker.
MOV CX, 100 ; Repeat loop 100 times
DELAY_LOOP: ; Here is where we loop back too.
LOOP DELAY_LOOP ; Jump repeatedly to DELAY_LOOP until CX = 0
INC BX ; Incrementing the value of BX lowers
; the frequency each time we repeat the
; whole routine
DEC DX ; Decrement repeat routine count
CMP DX, 0 ; Is DX (repeat count) = to 0
; and do whole routine again.
; Else DX = 0 time to turn speaker OFF
IN AL, 61H ; Get current value of port 61H.
AND AL, 11111100B ; AND AL to this value, forcing first two bits low.
OUT 61H, AL ; Copy it to port 61H of the PPI Chip
; to turn OFF the speaker.
Здесь подробно описано, как это работает.