Есть потребность выгружать информацию с биржи. Нашел в инете код, скачал питон, вставил, но появляется ошибка invalid syntax. Помогите, пожалуйста.
See https://yobit.net/en/api/
import time
import hmac
import hashlib
import json
from urllib import urlencode
from urlparse import urljoin
except ImportError:
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.parse import urljoin
import requests
BASE_PUBLIC = 'https://yobit.net/api/3/'
BASE_TRADE = 'https://yobit.net/tapi'
def refactor_result(json_ob):
return json.dumps(json_ob, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
class YoBit(object):
API key and API secret are used for Trade API
def __init__(self, api_key='', api_secret=''):
self.api_key = str(api_key) if api_key is not None else ''
self.api_secret = str(api_secret) if api_secret is not None else ''
if api_key == '' or api_secret == '':
print('mode: PublicAPI')
print('mode: PublicAPI & TradeAPI')
def __api_query_public(method, pair=None, options=None):
Queries YoBit Public API with given method, pair and options.
:param method: Query method for getting info from Public API
:type method: str
:param pair: Pair of currencies, example 'ltc_btc'
:type pair: str
:param options: Extra options for query
:type options: dict
:return: JSON response from YoBit Public API
:rtype : dict
if not options:
options = {}
if not pair:
pair = ''
request_url = BASE_PUBLIC + method
if pair != '':
request_url += '/' + pair.lower()
if options != {}:
request_url += '?'
request_url += urlencode(options)
return requests.get(request_url).json()
def __api_query_trade(self, method, options=None):
Queries YoBit Trade API with given method and options.
:param method: Query method for getting info from Trade API
:type method: str
:param options: Extra options for query
:type options: dict
:return: JSON response from YoBit Trade API
:rtype : dict
if not options:
options = {}
request_url = BASE_TRADE
options['method'] = method
options['nonce'] = str(int(time.time()))
body = urlencode(options)
signature = hmac.new(self.api_secret.encode(), body.encode(), hashlib.sha512).hexdigest()
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Key': self.api_key,
'Sign': signature
return requests.post(request_url, data=options, headers=headers).json()
def info(self):
Used to get about server time and coin pares of the YoBit market.
Response contains min_price, max_price, min_amount, and fee for each pair.
:return: JSON of pairs with info
:rtype : dict
return self.__api_query_public('info')
def ticker(self, pair):
Used to get statistic data for the last 24 hours for selected pair.
Response contains hight, low, avg, vol, vol_cur, last, buy, sell fields for the pair.
:param pair: Pair of currencies, example 'ltc_btc'
:type pair: str
:return: Statistic
:rtype : dict
return self.__api_query_public('ticker', pair)
def depth(self, pair, limit=150):
Used to get information about lists of active orders for selected pair.
Response contains asks and bids lists for the pair.
:param pair: Pair of currencies, example 'ltc_btc'
:type pair: str
:param limit: Size of response (on default 150 to 2000 max)
:type limit: int
:return: Current information about active orders
:rtype : dict
return self.__api_query_public('depth', pair, {'limit': limit})
def trades(self, pair, limit=150):
Used to get information about the last transactions of selected pair.
Response contains type, price, amount, tid, timestamp for each transaction.
:param pair: Pair of currencies, example 'ltc_btc'
:type pair: str
:param limit: Size of response (on default 150 to 2000 max)
:type limit: int
:return: Current information about transactions
:rtype : dict
return self.__api_query_public('trades', pair, {'limit': limit})
def get_info(self):
Used to get information about user's balances and priviledges of API-key
as well as server time. Response contains funds, fund_incl_orders, rights,
transaction_count, open_orders, server time.
:return: JSON with info
:rtype : dict
return self.__api_query_trade('getInfo')
def trade(self, pair, trade_type, rate, amount):
Used to create new orders for stock exchange trading
:param pair: Pair of currencies, example 'ltc_btc'
:type pair: str
:param trade_type: 'buy' or 'sell'
:type trade_type: str
:param rate: Exchange rate for buying or selling
:type rate: float
:param amount: Amount of needed for buying or selling
:type amount: float
:return: Success, info about the order, order_id.
:rtype : dict
return self.__api_query_trade('Trade', {'pair': pair, 'type': trade_type, 'rate': rate, 'amount': amount})
def active_orders(self, pair):
Used to get list of user's active orders.
:param pair: Pair of currencies, example 'ltc_btc'
:type pair: str
:return: List of orders byu order_id
:rtype : dict
return self.__api_query_trade('ActiveOrders', {'pair': pair})
def order_info(self, order_id):
Used to get detailed information about the chosen order.
Response contains pair, type, start_amount, amount, rate,
timestamp_created, status for the order.
:param order_id: Order ID
:type order_id: int
:return: JSON of the order
:rtype : dict
return self.__api_query_trade('OrderInfo', {'order_id': order_id})
def cancel_order(self, order_id):
Used to cancel the choosen order.
:param order_id: Order ID
:type order_id: int
:return: Success and balances active after request
:rtype : dict
return self.__api_query_trade('CancelOrder', {'order_id': order_id})
def trade_history(self, pair, from_start=0, count=1000, from_id=0, end_id=100000000000,
order='DESC', since=0, end=time.time() + 1000):
Used to retrieve transaction history.
Response contains list of transactions with pair, type,
amount, rate, order_id, is_your_order and timestamp for each transaction.
:param pair: Pair of currencies, example 'ltc_btc'
:type pair: str
:param from_start: Number of transaction from which response starts (default 0)
:type from_start: int
:param count: Quantity of transactions in response (default 1000)
:type count: int
:param from_id: ID of transaction from which response start (default 0)
:type from_id: int
:param end_id: ID of trnsaction at which response finishes (default inf)
:type end_id: int
:param order: Sorting order, 'ASC' for ascending and 'DESC' for descending
:type order: str
:param since: The time to start the display (unix time, default 0)
:type since: int
:param end: The time to end the display (unix time, default inf)
:type end: int
:return: List of transactions
:rtype : dict
options = {
'from': from_start,
'count': count,
'from_id': from_id,
'end_id': end_id,
'order': order,
'since': since,
'end': end,
'pair': pair
return self.__api_query_trade('TradeHistory', options)
def get_deposit_address(self, coin_name, need_new=False):
Used to get deposit address.
:param coin_name: The name of a coin, example 'BTC'
:type coin_name: str
:param need_new: True or False
:type need_new: bool
:return: Wallet address
:rtype : dict
options = {'coinName': coin_name, 'need_new': 1 if need_new else 0}
return self.__api_query_trade('GetDepositAddress', options)
def withdraw_coins_to_address(self, coin_name, amount, address):
Used to create withdrawal request.
:param coin_name: The name of a coin, example 'BTC'
:type coin_name: str
:param amount: Amount to withdraw
:type amount: float
:param address: Destination address
:type address: str
:return: Success and server time
:rtype : dict
options = {'coinName': coin_name, 'amount': amount, 'address': address}
return self.__api_query_trade('WithdrawCoinsAddress', options)