Знакомлюсь с документированием кода. Неотъемлемой частью почти любой документации являются примеры. Но почему-то они не попадают в сгенерированную страницу (так же, как и desc).
* @method TC#on - The method adds events that could be triggered by TC#trigger method
* @param {string} names - Names of the events
* @param {function} callback - Event handler
* @param {boolean} [triggerOnInit] - If equals to true then event handler will be triggered immediately
* @param {object} [context] - "this" context for the handler
* @returns {object} - self
* @example
* //Returns this
* this.on( 'change:x', function() {
* alert( 'x is changed' );
* });
* @example
* //Returns this too. Alert will be execuded in window context and show secons argument, that has been passed to .trigger method ('Hello world')
* this.on( 'ohmygosh', alert, window );
* this.trigger( 'ohmygosh', 'Hello world' );
* @example
* //Shows "bar" alert immediately and waits for triggering "foo" event
* this.on( 'foo', function() {
* alert( 'bar' );
* }, true )
* @desc blah.
Кроме дефолтного шаблона JSDoc3, я попробовал шаблон haruki, который генерирует xml или json. Массив example почему-то пуст.
"functions": [
"name": "on",
"access": "",
"virtual": false,
"description": "The method adds events that could be triggered by TC#trigger method only once.",
"parameters": [
"name": "names",
"type": "string",
"description": "Names of the events",
"default": "",
"optional": "",
"nullable": ""
"name": "callback",
"type": "function",
"description": "Event handler",
"default": "",
"optional": "",
"nullable": ""
"name": "triggerOnInit",
"type": "boolean",
"description": "If equals to true then event handler will be triggered immediately",
"default": "",
"optional": true,
"nullable": ""
"name": "context",
"type": "object",
"description": "\"this\" context for the handler",
"default": "",
"optional": true,
"nullable": ""
"examples": [],
"returns": {
"type": "object",
"description": "- self"
Косяк с синтаксисом? Я пробовал пихать example наверх, результат тот же.