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Структура директрий
configure.ini содержит следующий листинг
; Logo fo the CMS (logo-<Brand>.png)
Brand = eurostudio
BrandURL = www.eurostudio.net
BrandTitle = Eurostudio
; 1 = if site is in development mode, 0 - if site is in live mode
DevMode = 1
; Email used in field From
FromEmail = sales@sitedomain.ru
; Name used in field From
FromName =
; How to show list of pages in select box (list - list of pages in alphabetical order; tree - as tree)
PageListType = tree
; Name of the index page (without '.html')
;IndexPage = index
; Extension for HTML files (with '.')
;HTMLExtension = .html
; Menu images configuration
MenuImages = "55x41|1|1"
; How many description fields for page
PageDescriptionCount = 1
; Custom content for error documents, if not found default will be used
Error404Document = /404.php
Error403Document =
; User list configuration. Possible values for UserName: f, l, fl, lf, fm, lfm, flm (f = FirstName, m = MiddleName, l = LastName)
UsersPerPage = 20
UsersOrderBy = CreatedDesc
UserName = fl
; Captcha text colors
CaptchaTextColors = "0,0,0|75,75,75|150,150,150"
CaptchaLettersNum = 4
CaptchaDanceLetters = 10
CaptchaTextSize = 30
Host = localhost
User = userdb
Password = passdb
Database = namedb
; Possible values for Mailer is: mail, sendmail or smtp
Mailer = mail
SMTP_Host = localhost
SMTP_Port = 25
SMTP_Login =
SMTP_Password =
SMTP_Debug = 0
SendmailPath = /usr/sbin/sendmail