Ошибка gulp. The following tasks did not complete: default. Как поправить?

Все добра !
Стоит smart-grid и gulp 4.0
Не могу понять почему отдает ошибку
grid placed into ./source/style/common/smart-grid.less
Grid length is 21734 :)
Its work! Good day!
[12:02:03] The following tasks did not complete: default
[12:02:03] Did you forget to signal async completion?

'use strict';

global.$ = {
    gulp: require('gulp'),
    smartgrid: require('smart-grid')
$.gulp.task('default',function () {
    return $.smartgrid('./source/style/common', {
        outputStyle: 'less', /* less || scss || sass || styl */
        columns: 12, /* number of grid columns */
        offset: "30px", /* gutter width px || % */
        container: {
            maxWidth: '1200px', /* max-width оn very large screen */
            fields: '30px' /* side fields */
        breakPoints: {
            lg: {
                'width': '1100px', /* -> @media (max-width: 1100px) */
                'fields': '30px' /* side fields */
            md: {
                'width': '960px',
                'fields': '15px'
            sm: {
                'width': '780px',
                'fields': '15px'
            xs: {
                'width': '560px',
                'fields': '15px'
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