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Нужно установить Espruino на ESP8622, как правильно перевести мануал?

Ссылка на анг. мануал: www.espruino.com/ESP8266_Flashing
Сама часть которая непонятна(а именно pull-up и pull-down и после немного):

To get into flash mode you need to pull-up gpio2, and pull down gpio0 and gpio15. Afterwards to run the flashed firware you need to pull-up gpio0 and gpio2, and pull down gpio15 (i.e. gpio0 changes). To issue a reset, you briefly pull either reset or ch_en (chip-enable) low. A pull-up resistor is recommended on both (reset has a weak internal pull-up, which is OK if you're not connecting any wires to the pin, ch_en does not have any internal pull-up and you can hard-wire it to 3.3v). It is not recommended to hard-wire any of the gpio pins to gnd or 3.3v because this can cause high currents if the pin is driven to a different value. You're not likely to burn out the chip doing that (always possible, though), but you'll cause extra strain on the power supply, which can prevent other things from working properly. In particular, during flashing the 26Mhz clock is output on gpio0, so you definitely don't want to hard-ground that pin! Use anything from 4.7Kohm to 10Kohm for pull-ups, and about 1Kohm-3.3Kohm for pull-downs.

Как я понял для прошивки надо GPIO-2 подтянуть через резистор 4.7кОм-10кОм на 3.3в, а GPIO-0 и GPIO-15 через резюк 1кОм - 3.3кОм к земле? Сам модуль это NodeMCU esp8266e ftdi ch340g
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