Подскажите как правильно поправить, чтобы кнопки и прочее можно было нормально нажимать в режиме worldspace?
Изначально все работает в screen space-camera, если переключить на worldspace и увидеть например только половину канваса с кнопками, то нажать на них уже нельзя. Маппинг надо как-то поправить.
public class CylinderMapping : CanvasMapping
protected override void Awake()
if (m_canvas.renderMode != RenderMode.ScreenSpaceCamera)
Debug.LogWarning("Cylinder mapping works best in ScreenSpaceCamera mode", this);
#region CanvasMapping
public override bool MapScreenToCanvas(Vector2 screenCoord, out Vector2 o_canvasCoord)
Camera worldCamera = m_canvas.worldCamera;
if (worldCamera != null)
// Get the camera transform
Transform worldCameraTransform = worldCamera.transform;
// Get a ray from the camera through the point on the screen
Ray ray3D = worldCamera.ScreenPointToRay(screenCoord);
// Transform the ray direction into view space
Vector3 localRayDirection = worldCameraTransform.InverseTransformDirection(ray3D.direction);
// Calculate the view space size of the canvas
float thetaFOVH = worldCamera.fieldOfView * 0.5f * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
float tanFOVH = Mathf.Tan(thetaFOVH);
float tanFOVW = tanFOVH * worldCamera.aspect;
// Flatten cylinder and ray to 2D so this becomes a ray circle intersection
Vector2 rayDirection2D = new Vector2(localRayDirection.x, localRayDirection.z);
Vector2 circlePosition = new Vector2(0.0f, 1.0f + (tanFOVW * m_depth));
float circleRadius = tanFOVW * m_radius;
// Determine the far intersection, if there is one
float farIntersection;
if (RayCircle2D(Vector2.zero, rayDirection2D, circlePosition, circleRadius, out farIntersection))
// Intersection point on the XZ plane
Vector2 cylinderXZ = (rayDirection2D * farIntersection) - circlePosition;
// XZ -> angle around cylinder
float cylinderTheta = Mathf.Atan2(cylinderXZ.x, cylinderXZ.y);
// Y intersection
float cylinderY = localRayDirection.y * farIntersection;
// To viewport [-1, 1]
float viewportX = cylinderTheta / (m_angle * 0.5f * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
float viewportY = cylinderY / tanFOVH;
// To canvas
Vector2 canvasSize = m_canvas.pixelRect.size;
o_canvasCoord.x = ((viewportX * 0.5f) + 0.5f) * canvasSize.x;
o_canvasCoord.y = ((viewportY * 0.5f) + 0.5f) * canvasSize.y;
Vector3 intersection3D = worldCameraTransform.TransformPoint(localRayDirection * (farIntersection * m_canvas.planeDistance));
Debug.DrawLine(worldCameraTransform.position, intersection3D);
return true;
o_canvasCoord = Vector2.zero;
return false;
public override void SetCanvasToScreenParameters(Material material)
material.SetFloat("Cylinder_Depth", m_depth * 0.5f);
material.SetFloat("Cylinder_Angle", m_angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
material.SetFloat("Cylinder_Radius", m_radius * 0.5f);
bool RayCircle2D(Vector2 rayStart, Vector2 rayDirection, Vector2 circlePosition, float circleRadius, out float o_farIntersection)
Vector2 f = rayStart - circlePosition;
float a = Vector2.Dot(rayDirection, rayDirection);
float b = 2.0f * Vector2.Dot(f, rayDirection);
float c = Vector2.Dot(f, f) - (circleRadius * circleRadius);
float discriminantSq = (b * b) - (4.0f * a * c);
if (discriminantSq < 0.0f)
// No intersection
o_farIntersection = 0.0f;
return false;
float discriminant = Mathf.Sqrt(discriminantSq);
o_farIntersection = (-b + discriminant) / (2.0f * a);
return true;
[Range(-10.0f, 10.0f)]
float m_depth = -1.0f;
[Range(0.0f, 360.0f)]
float m_angle = 180.0f;
[Range(0.0f, 10.0f)]
float m_radius = 1.0f;