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Как создать sequential PyQt4.QtCore.QIODevice с такими свойствами?

Покажите пожалуйста пример, как создать устройство наподобие этого:
printing - isinstance(data, QIODevice) : True
printing - data.isSequential(): True
printing - data.isTextModeEnabled(): False
printing - data.dumpObjectTree(): None
printing - data.__weakref__: None
printing - data.__class__: <class 'PyQt4.QtCore.QIODevice'>
printing - data.__dict__: {}
printing - data.__doc__': QIODevice()
printing - data.__format__': <built-in method __format__ of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
printing - data.'__reduce__': <built-in method __reduce__ of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>
printing - data.'__reduce_ex__': <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of QIODevice object at 0x02C2EDA0>

print dir(data)
printing - ['Append', 'NotOpen', 'OpenMode', 'OpenModeFlag', 'ReadOnly', 'ReadWrite', 'Text', 'Truncate', 'Unbuffered', 'WriteOnly', 'class', 'delattr', 'dict', 'doc', 'format', 'getattr', 'getattribute', 'hash', 'init', 'module', 'new', 'reduce', 'reduce_ex', 'repr', 'setattr', 'sizeof', 'str', 'subclasshook', 'weakref', 'aboutToClose', 'atEnd', 'blockSignals', 'bytesAvailable', 'bytesToWrite', 'bytesWritten', 'canReadLine', 'childEvent', 'children', 'close', 'connect', 'connectNotify', 'customEvent', 'deleteLater', 'destroyed', 'disconnect', 'disconnectNotify', 'dumpObjectInfo', 'dumpObjectTree', 'dynamicPropertyNames', 'emit', 'errorString', 'event', 'eventFilter', 'findChild', 'findChildren', 'getChar', 'inherits', 'installEventFilter', 'isOpen', 'isReadable', 'isSequential', 'isTextModeEnabled', 'isWidgetType', 'isWritable', 'killTimer', 'metaObject', 'moveToThread', 'objectName', 'open', 'openMode', 'parent', 'peek', 'pos', 'property', 'putChar', 'pyqtConfigure', 'read', 'readAll', 'readChannelFinished', 'readData', 'readLine', 'readLineData', 'readyRead', 'receivers', 'removeEventFilter', 'reset', 'seek', 'sender', 'senderSignalIndex', 'setErrorString', 'setObjectName', 'setOpenMode', 'setParent', 'setProperty', 'setTextModeEnabled', 'signalsBlocked', 'size', 'startTimer', 'staticMetaObject', 'thread', 'timerEvent', 'tr', 'trUtf8', 'ungetChar', 'waitForBytesWritten', 'waitForReadyRead', 'write', 'writeData']

Больше здесь - pastebin.com/w2WNJdrR
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