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Как создать YMapClusterer на angular?

const coordinates  = [
          [37.64, 55.76],
          [37.63, 55.7],

        const points = coordinates.map((lnglat, i) => ({
          type: 'Point',
          id: i,
          geometry: {       type: 'Point', coordinates: lnglat},
          properties: {name: 'Point of issue of orders',  description: "string"}

        const clusterer = new YMapClusterer({
          method: clusterByGrid({gridSize: 64}),
          features:  points,
          marker: (feature) => new YMapMarker({
            coordinates: feature.geometry.coordinates,
            source: 'my-source'
          cluster: (coordinates, cluster) => new YMapMarker({
            source: 'my-source'




Не понимаю почему он жалуется на тип переменной (хотя все по документации делаю )

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