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UE | Developer

Как заставить работать федерацию в Matrix-synapse?

Весь сервер работает за исключение федерации, тестер выдаёт ошибку MatchingServerName: 65b8fde9d761e682248315.png

Все порты открыты. OS: Ubuntu 22.04. Просьба не кидать ссылки на документацию Matrix, там ничего нет.

Конфиг homeserver:

# Configuration file for Synapse.
# This is a YAML file: see [1] for a quick introduction. Note in particular
# that *indentation is important*: all the elements of a list or dictionary
# should have the same indentation.
# [1] https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/reference_appendices/YAMLSyntax.html
# For more information on how to configure Synapse, including a complete accounting of
# each option, go to docs/usage/configuration/config_documentation.md or
# https://matrix-org.github.io/synapse/latest/usage/configuration/config_documentation.html
# This is set in /etc/matrix-synapse/conf.d/server_name.yaml for Debian installations.
# server_name: "SERVERNAME"
pid_file: "/var/run/matrix-synapse.pid"
  - port: 8008
    tls: false
    type: http
    x_forwarded: true
    bind_addresses: ['']
      - names: [client, federation]
        compress: false
  name: psycopg2
  txn_limit: 10000
    user: matrix
    password: *********
    database: matrix
    host: localhost
    port: 5432
    cp_min: 5
    cp_max: 10
log_config: "/etc/matrix-synapse/log.yaml"
media_store_path: /var/lib/matrix-synapse/media
signing_key_path: "/etc/matrix-synapse/homeserver.signing.key"
  - server_name: "matrix.lifsem.ru"
suppress_key_server_warning: true
max_upload_size: 100M
enable_registration: true
enable_registration_without_verification: true
matrix_synapse_federation_enabled: true
matrix_synapse_federation_port_enabled: true
registration_shared_secret: "**************************************************************************"
search_all_users: true
prefer_local_users: true
turn_uris: ["turn:matrix.lifsem.ru?transport=udp","turn:matrix.lifsem.ru?transport=tcp"]
turn_shared_secret: "*********************************************************************"
turn_user_lifetime: 86400000
  - "@admin:matrix.lifsem.ru"
  # Разрешить федерацию
  enabled: true
  # Ваш DNS-имя сервера, доступное извне
  server_name: "matrix.lifsem.ru"
  # Порт для федерации
  port: 8448
  # Ключи для TLS
  tls_certificate_path: "/etc/letsencrypt/live/matrix.lifsem.ru/cert.pem"
  tls_private_key_path: "/etc/letsencrypt/live/matrix.lifsem.ru/privkey.pem"
  • Вопрос задан
  • 309 просмотров
Подписаться 1 Сложный
Решения вопроса 1
@martin74ua Куратор тега Linux
Linux administrator
# This is set in /etc/matrix-synapse/conf.d/server_name.yaml for Debian installations.
# server_name: "SERVERNAME"

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