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Как с помощью fetch при выводе JSON-ответа читать объекты в массиве?

Доброго времени суток!

Впервые столкнулся с JSON-ответами от бэкенда в формате массива с объектами. DevTools говорит о том, что ответ имеется, но функция fetch не читает его, обрабатывая его куски. Как сделать так, чтобы fetch читал объекты в массиве, обрабатывая их? Заранее вам спасибо!

Пример кода

fetch('/events/api/get', { method: 'POST', body: sq[0] })
		.then(response => response.json())
		.then((data) => {
			data.map((response) => {
					content = response.location !== '' ? '<span data-type="location">' + response.location + '</span>' : '';
					readyDescription = response.content.matchAll(/<p[^>]*>(([^>]|.)*?)<\/p>/ug);
					content += '<span data-type="description">' + readyDescription[1][0].length > 234 ? mb_strimwidth(readyDescription[1][0], 0, 234, '...') : readyDescription[1][0] + '</span>';
					dateFormat = [
						moment(response.date_from, 'd/m/Y'),
						moment(response.date_to, 'd/m/Y')
					eventCard = '<span id="date">' + response.date_to ? dateFormat.join(' - ') : dateFormat[0] + '</span><img src="' + response.titleImage + '" alt="' + response.title + '" />';
					eventCard += '<span id="title">' + response.title + '</span><p>{content}</p><a href="/events/' + response.id + '">Show more</a>';
					$('.slider').append('<li>' + eventCard + '</li>');
		.catch(() => { $('.load-screen-services').addClass('list-smart-close'); });

Пример JSON-ответа от сетевой части из DevTools
[{"id":1,"date_to":null,"location":"Moscow","tematic":"Conferences","type":null,"date_from":"2022-11-10","title":"Full-service real estate. Accents-2022","titleImage":"/images/content/08-04-2022_05:39:24.jpg","content":"<div id=\"matherial\"><p>Any real estate object goes through several life stages, starting from the selection and approval of a plot to ownership and operation, regardless of whether it is residential or commercial real estate.&nbsp;In this process, any owner faces many obstacles, with which he is helped to cope by real estate market experts at each stage.&nbsp;Let&#39;s talk in the format of a round table on this topic with accents and features of 2022.</p>\n\n<p><strong>The following persons are invited to participate::</strong></p>\n\n<p>Design companies, engineering firms, architectural bureaus, developers, builders, finishing companies, owners of residential and commercial real estate, management and service companies, consultants-brokers.</p>\n\n<p>&nbsp;</p></div>\n"}]
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