
Как сделать чтобы вместо ID был никнейм человека?

Мне надо чтобы тикет в дискорде открывался с таким названием у человека - "ticket-NickName".
Как это сделать?

Код который надо изменить:
const { createWriteStream } = require('fs');
const { MessageEmbed, MessageSelectMenu, MessageActionRow, MessageButton } = require('discord.js');

module.exports = async (client, int) => {
    const req = int.customId.split('_')[0];

    client.emit('ticketsLogs', req, int.guild, int.member.user);

    switch (req) {
        case 'createTicket': {
            const selectMenu = new MessageSelectMenu();

            selectMenu.setPlaceholder('Choose a reason for the ticket');
                    emoji: '',
                    label: 'Consultant',
                    description: 'Talking with the  | Consultant',
                    value: 'newTicket_Support'
                    emoji: '',
                    label: 'Moderation',
                    description: 'Talking with the  | Gérant',
                    value: 'newTicket_Moderation'

            const row = new MessageActionRow().addComponents(selectMenu);

            return int.reply({ content: 'What will be the reason for the ticket ?', components: [row], ephemeral: true });

        case 'newTicket': {
            const reason = int.values[0].split('_')[1];

            const channel = int.guild.channels.cache.find(x => x.name === `ticket-${int.member.id}`);

            if (!channel) {
                await int.guild.channels.create(`ticket-${int.member.id}`, {
                    type: 'GUILD_TEXT',
                    topic: `Ticket created by ${int.member.user.username}${reason ? ` (${reason})` : ''} ${new Date(Date.now()).toLocaleString()}`,
                    permissionOverwrites: [
                            id: int.guild.id,
                            deny: ['VIEW_CHANNEL', 'SEND_MESSAGES']
                            id: int.member.id,
                            allow: ['VIEW_CHANNEL', 'SEND_MESSAGES']
                            id: client.user.id,
                            allow: ['VIEW_CHANNEL', 'SEND_MESSAGES']

                const channel = int.guild.channels.cache.find(x => x.name === `ticket-${int.member.id}`);

                const ticketEmbed = new MessageEmbed();

                ticketEmbed.setAuthor(`Your ticket has been successfully created ${int.member.user.username}${reason ? ` (${reason})` : ''} ✅`);
                ticketEmbed.setDescription('*To close the current ticket click on the reaction below, warning it is impossible to go back !*');

                const closeButton = new MessageButton();

                closeButton.setLabel('Close this ticket');

                const row = new MessageActionRow().addComponents(closeButton);

                await channel.send({ embeds: [ticketEmbed], components: [row] });

                return int.update({ content: `Your ticket is open <@${int.member.id}> <#${channel.id}> ✅`, components: [], ephemeral: true });
            } else {
                return int.update({ content: `You already have an open ticket <#${channel.id}> ❌`, components: [], ephemeral: true });

        case 'closeTicket': {
            const channel = int.guild.channels.cache.get(int.channelId);

            await channel.edit({
                permissionOverwrites: [
                        id: int.guild.id,
                        deny: ['VIEW_CHANNEL', 'SEND_MESSAGES']
                        id: int.customId.split('_')[1],
                        deny: ['VIEW_CHANNEL', 'SEND_MESSAGES']
                        id: client.user.id,
                        allow: ['VIEW_CHANNEL', 'SEND_MESSAGES']

            const ticketEmbed = new MessageEmbed();

            ticketEmbed.setAuthor(`${int.member.user.username} has decided to close this ticket ❌`);
            ticketEmbed.setDescription('*To permanently delete the ticket or to reopen the ticket click on the button below.*');

            const reopenButton = new MessageButton();

            reopenButton.setLabel('Reopen this ticket');

            const saveButton = new MessageButton();

            saveButton.setLabel('✅Save this ticket');

            const deleteButton = new MessageButton();

            deleteButton.setLabel('⚠️Delete this ticket');

            const row = new MessageActionRow().addComponents(reopenButton, saveButton, deleteButton);

            return int.reply({ embeds: [ticketEmbed], components: [row] });

        case 'reopenTicket': {
            const channel = int.guild.channels.cache.get(int.channelId);

            await channel.edit({
                permissionOverwrites: [
                        id: int.guild.id,
                        deny: ['VIEW_CHANNEL', 'SEND_MESSAGES']
                        id: int.customId.split('_')[1],
                        allow: ['VIEW_CHANNEL', 'SEND_MESSAGES']
                        id: client.user.id,
                        allow: ['VIEW_CHANNEL', 'SEND_MESSAGES']

            const ticketEmbed = new MessageEmbed();

            ticketEmbed.setAuthor(`The ticket has been reopened ✅`);
            ticketEmbed.setDescription('*To close the current ticket click on the reaction below, warning it is impossible to go back !*');

            const closeButton = new MessageButton();

            closeButton.setLabel('❌Close this ticket');

            const row = new MessageActionRow().addComponents(closeButton);

            return int.reply({ embeds: [ticketEmbed], components: [row] });

        case 'deleteTicket': {
            const channel = int.guild.channels.cache.get(int.channelId);

            return channel.delete();

        case 'saveTicket': {
            const channel = int.guild.channels.cache.get(int.channelId);

            await channel.messages.fetch().then(async msg => {
                let messages = msg.filter(msg => msg.author.bot !== true).map(m => {
                    const date = new Date(m.createdTimestamp).toLocaleString();
                    const user = `${m.author.tag}${m.author.id === int.customId.split('_')[1] ? ' (ticket creator)' : ''}`;

                    return `${date} - ${user} : ${m.attachments.size > 0 ? m.attachments.first().proxyURL : m.content}`;

                if (messages.length < 1) messages = 'There are no messages in this ticket... strange';

                const ticketID = Date.now();

                const stream = await createWriteStream(`./data/${ticketID}.txt`);

                stream.once('open', () => {
                    stream.write(`User ticket ${int.customId.split('_')[1]} (channel #${channel.name})\n\n`);
                    stream.write(`${messages}\n\nLogs ${new Date(ticketID).toLocaleString()}`);


                stream.on('finish', () => int.reply({ files: [`./data/${ticketID}.txt`] }));
  • Вопрос задан
  • 68 просмотров
Решения вопроса 1
@Alexandre888 Куратор тега discord.js
свойство .displayName:

если у пользователя установлен никнейм на сервере, - вы получите этот никнейм.
если у пользователя не установлен никнейм на сервере, - вы получите его username.
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